letha11 / PomoClock

Pomodoro timer tracking app

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PomoClock s a simple Pomodoro Timer Application. It helps users to manage their work or study sessions by providing structured intervals of focused work and breaks, following Pomodoro technique that been proved to be effective.


Main Screen.jpg Main Screen.jpg Main Screen.jpg Main Screen.jpg Main Screen.jpg

Things that i've learn through making this application

  1. Clean Architecture
  2. Unit Testing
  3. Testing Bloc In Flutter
  4. You should not use complex architecture for small project

Error/things that i stumble upon building this project

bloc emitting a state, but the UI did not update

why ?

i was using the approach below (Trying to create a new Instance of BLoC everytime parent bloc changes/updated) and turns out that is not a recommended approach as the TimerCounterBloc is registered as factory with get_it package, and i was implementing the approach like this:

return BlocProvider<TimerCounterBloc>.value(
	value: sl<TimerCounterBloc>(param1: state.timer),
	child: const CounterWidget(),

it will create a new instance of TimerCounterBloc everytime it rebuilds, and the BLoC(TimerCounterBloc) that get Provided is not the same as when it is created as first, so the whole UI is not updated.

and if i'm guessing correctly this will also make the application slow as the time goes, because it will create TimerCounterBloc instance every time TimerBloc state changes, and it will not remove the TimerCounterBloc that had been instansiated

how to fix it ?

I'm fixing this issue with the recommended way from Bloc website: bloc-to-bloc communication through domain layer which is using a reactive repositories to store the data, the repositories live inside of data layer.

Why Reactive repositories ? because i need to store a data that will get used by the TimerCounterBloc and TimerBloc

Reactive Repository is a repository that uses the reactive programming paradigm, where data is modeled as streams of events that can be observed and reacted to. It's often used in conjunction with frameworks such as RxJava or RxSwift. In a reactive repository, instead of returning a single value from a repository method, the method returns a stream of data that emits events whenever the data changes. This allows the client to subscribe to the stream and receive updates in real-time without needing to poll the repository for changes.

these are the implementation of the reactive repositories: contract/domain layer:

// domain/repository/timer_storage_repository.dart
import 'dart:async';

import '../entity/timer_entity.dart';

abstract class TimerStorageRepository {
  Stream<TimerEntity> get stream;
  void add(TimerEntity timer);

implementation/data layer:

// data/repository/timer_storage_impl.dart
import 'dart:async';

import '../../domain/entity/timer_entity.dart';
import '../../domain/repository/timer_storage_repository.dart';

class TimerStorageRepositoryImpl extends TimerStorageRepository {
  final StreamController<TimerEntity> _controller =

  void add(TimerEntity timer) {

  Stream<TimerEntity> get stream => _controller.stream.asBroadcastStream();

so right now we have an reactive repository that we can listen to, so in the 2 bloc TimerBloc and TimerCounterBloc i just need to listen/add the data when i need to.

like this example of implementation inside TimerCounterBloc: in the TimerCounterBloc i have a function that will listen into the StreamController that TimerStorageRepository had, so when the TimerBloc add the data, this listen function will trigger and change timer variable, etc inside of TimerCounterBloc instance and finally emit a TimerCounterInitial state

// presentation/bloc/timer_counter/timer_counter_bloc.dart

// constructor
TimerCounterBloc() {

void _subscribeTimer() {
	_timerSubscription = _getStorageTimerUsecase().listen((data) {
	  // cancel countdown subscription
	  timer = data;
	  // will change _duration value
	  // ignore: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member

Trying to create a new Instance of BLoC everytime parent bloc changes/updated

So i had 2 BLoC class TimerBloc & TimerCounterBloc and TimerCounterBloc accept TimerEntity in the constructor, the TimerEntity is coming from the TimerBloc so when the TimerBloc get updated, it should also update the TimerCounterBloc with the updated TimerEntity. The first attempt that i already tried are:

if(state is TimerLoaded) {
	return BlocProvider(
		create: (_) => TimerCounterBloc(timer: state.timer),
		child: ...

code above will only create an TimerCounterBloc once, and everytime the TimerBloc get updated, it will not create a new instance of TimerCounterBloc, so the timer fields inside of TimerCounterBloc will not get updated.

What to do ?

we can create a new instance/object of TimerCounterBloc everytime TimerBloc get updated or TimerLoaded from TimerBloc get emitted. Since we already created a new instance of TimerCounterBloc to use the new instance we need to use BlocProvider.value constructor instead of the normal BlocProvider because we already had an instance of a BLoC with a BlocProvider.value constructor we can use pre-existing BLoC like shown below.

if(state is TimerLoaded) {
	/// Will Create a new instance of TimerCounterBloc everytime this block of code get executed.
	final timerCounterBloc = TimerCounterBloc(timer: state.timer);

	/// Will use the pre-existing of timerCounterBloc that just been created.
	/// so it will provide a `TimerCounterBloc` with the new `timer` field.
	return BlocProvider.value(
		create: timerCounterBloc,
		child: ...

Trying to emit a new state when BLoC EventHandler already finished.

When i try to listen to a Stream (Stream.periodic in specific) inside of a bloc, and every Event added in a Stream(Stream.periodic) i try to emit a new State like this:

  void _onTimerStarted(TimerStarted event, Emitter<TimerState> emit) async {
      (err) => emit(TimerFailure(err.toString())),
      // this part below.
      (data) {
        data.listen((event) => emit(TimerInProgress(event)));

_countdown.count will return an Stream<int>(stream.periodic) and after getting the Stream<int> i tried listening to it, and every event changes inside Stream i emit TimerInProgress, it will cause an error, because _onTimerStarted method has already finished doing it's job (executing), and the code trying to emit a new state TimerInProgress after the method is already finished executing (because i'm listening to the stream Stream.listen).

how do I fix it ?

In this case, instead of emitting a new State every event changes inside data(stream) we can add/register new Event to handle the new state

_onTimerStarted(TimerStarted event, Emitter<TimerState> emit) async {
          (err) => emit(TimerFailure(err.toString())),
          (data) => data.listen((d) => add(_TimerTicked(duration: d))),

_onTimerTicked(_TimerTicked event, Emitter<TimerState> emit) {

so because we listen to the Stream<int>(stream.periodic) we will add/register new event (_TimerTicked) everytime dataStream<int> changes, and the BLoC will handle when _TimerTicked event get send using _onTimerTicked and inside of that handler/function we emit a new state.

So the flow will be:

  1. _onTimerStarted will be finished and we listen to the stream(data)
  2. and everytime the stream changes/emitting something we register/add _TimerTicked event
  3. and when the _TimerTicked got sent , we handle it by using _onTimerTicked function that emit a TimerInProgress state.


Pomodoro timer tracking app


Language:Dart 99.5%Language:Java 0.3%Language:Swift 0.2%Language:Kotlin 0.1%Language:Objective-C 0.0%