leshniak / necktie

Necktie – a simple DOM binding tool

Repository from Github https://github.comleshniak/necktieRepository from Github https://github.comleshniak/necktie

👔 Necktie – a simple DOM binding tool

Necktie is a library that binds your logic to the Document Object Model elements in an easy way. It has only ~3kB (UMD, minified).

version downloads jsDelivr hits MIT License

How it works

Necktie takes its powers from document.querySelector and MutationObserver capabilities. This tool allows you to register a function or a class that will be called with a proper Element as an argument, even if it's created or removed dynamically.

For example:

import { Necktie } from '@lesniewski.pro/necktie';

const tie = new Necktie();


tie.bind('.form-component input[data-name]', (element) => {
  console.log(element, 'has been found in the DOM');

  return (removedElement) => {
    console.log(removedElement, 'has been removed from the DOM');

Necktie is meant for mostly static pages, but should work also in SPA model, although it may be CPU-expensive, especially using observeAttributes().

Give it a try!




It's recommended to include Necktie in the <head> section of the document.

The library comes with CJS, ESM and UMD modules. TypeScript types are also available.


Necktie class

Method Description
constructor(parent?: ParentNode): this Creates a new Necktie instance. Optionally provide a custom parent node (defaults to the root document node).
bind(selector: string, callback: Callback): this Binds a callback function with a given selector.
bindClass(selector: string, BindableComponent: Bindable): this Binds a Bindable class with a given selector.
observeAttributes(isEnabled?: boolean): this Looks for attributes changes, for example class or data-*. Rebinds registered functions if necessary. WARNING! Use with caution, this may be expensive.
startListening(): this Runs callbacks or Bindable classes on registered selectors, starts listening for DOM changes.
stopListening(): this Stops observing DOM changes.

Bindable class

Method Description
constructor(element?: Element): this Creates a new Bindable instance.
destroy(removedElement?: Element): void A clean up method, called when a DOM element has been removed.

Callback function

(element?: Element) => ((removedElement?: Element) => void) | void – a function fired when a proper Element has been found. Optionally it can return a clean up function that will be fired when the element will disappear from the DOM.


  • Initial release
  • Unit tests
  • CI automation


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Necktie – a simple DOM binding tool

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 90.2%Language:JavaScript 9.8%