lerni / ootstra

ootstra ss an opinionated set of tools for a ready to run, build & deploy Silverstripe CMS instance with elemental

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Status - WIP

This was published as part of a lightning talk at virtual StripeCon 2020. Unfortunately it wasn't ready at the time of the conference and still is work in progress. As much as I like it to be finished product - so far its not. Time will tell, how things progress.

Setup, Requirements & install

"ootstra" is inspired from Bigfork’s quickstart recipe for Silverstripe. It's an opinionated set of tools for a ready to run, build & deploy CMS instance in a minimal amount of time. To get it up and running you'll need GIT and for deployment a server with SSH & git. It utilizes dnadesign/silverstripe-elemental for a block/element based CMS experience and comes with the following set of elements:

  • ElementContent
  • ElementForm (userforms)
  • ElementVirtual
  • ElementHero (Slider, YouTube Video)
  • ElementMaps (Google)
  • ElementPerso (URLs Perso, vCard)
  • ElementPersoCFA (linked persos)
  • ElementContentSection (accordion with FAQ schema)
  • ElementCounter
  • ElementLogo (partner/sponsor)
  • ElementGallery (lightbox, slider)
  • ElementTeaser
  • ElementFeedTeaser (holder concept with multiple parents & filtering per tags)
  • ElementTextImage

Optional, separate modules/elements:

  • InstagramFeed
  • ElementJobs lerni/jobpostings (privat), schema.org & sitemap.xml integration
  • lerni/simplebasket (privat), Google Shoppingfeed with local Inventory, swissQR bill and CAMT payment reconciliation or Datatrans Payments

Other features:

Getting started

As editor/IDE VSCode is recommended. Per .vscode/extensions.json extensions 'll be suggested. .vscode/settings.json makes Logviewer work and contains settings for debugging etc.

clone or fork lerni/ootstra

    git clone git@github.com:lerni/ootstra.git "PROJECT"

On the first Request database structure (tables) 'll automatically be generated - it runs dev/build. Before you do so, set the correct default locale in app/_config.php like:


ddev/Docker dev-env

ootstra comes with a ddev-config/setup for development. Install ddev and run ddev start & ddev composer i in the project directory. You'll than have a local webserver available on https://oostra.ddev.site, watcher/browsersync runs on https://oostra.ddev.site:3000/, phpMyAdmin, MailHog. Default login into /admin is admin & password.

npm, Laravel Mix watch & build etc.

Laravel Mix (webpack based) is used as build environment. You need to run ddev theme install to install npm packages. In themes/default/webpack.mix.js host is set to be proxied to http://localhost:3000/ for browsersync. See also scripts section in themes/default/package.json and Mix CLI. Run ddev theme watch or ddev theme prod.

VSCode tasks

There are a bunch of tasks in .vscode/tasks.json available per Command+Shift+B:

  • ddev start (magenta)
  • ddev stop (magenta)
  • ddev restart (magenta)
  • ddev theme install (green)
  • ddev theme watch (green)
  • ddev theme prod (green)
  • flush (blue)
  • flushh (blue - flush hard) instead of ddev exec rm -rf ./silverstripe-cache/*
  • dev/build (blue) instead of ddev php ./vendor/silverstripe/framework/cli-script.php dev/build flush
  • download database from live (cyan)
  • download assets from live (cyan)
  • ssh test (cyan)
  • ssh live (cyan)

Database, credentials etc. are provided per environment Variables (/.env file).


In order to use Xdebug with this setup, a browser-extensions like Xdebug Helper for Firefox or Xdebug helper is needed to control/trigger debugging behaviour.

To debug JS inside VSCode with Firefox Debugger for Firefox is used. With Chrome & Edge you may need to tweak config in .vscode/launch.json 🤷

PHP Version

Current used PHP-Version is 8.2. It's set in following places:

  • .ddev/config.yaml
  • deploy/config.php
  • public/.htaccess -> watch out if you maintain stage specific versions in deploy/
  • composer.json
  • .vscode/settings.json

Don't forget to ddev restart and update packages ddev composer u after changing!

Hosting & Deployment

Deployment is based on Deployer, a php based cli-tool, which is included as dev-requirement per composer.json. It uses symlinks to the current release. It's easy to use, offers zero downtime deployments and rollback. /assets, .env are shared resources, this means they are symlinked into each release-folder.

~/public_html/0live     or ~/public_html/0test
|  |--releases          deployers internal notes
|--current              -> ~/public_html/0live/releases/3 for example
|  |--.env              -> ~/public_html/0live/shared/.env
|  |--...               all the files from repo & vendors
|  |--public            actual webroot but symlinked per parent-dir (current)
|  |  |--assets/        -> ~/public_html/0live/shared/assets
|  |--1
|  |  |--.env           -> ~/public_html/0live/shared/.env
|  |  |--...
|  |
|  |--2
|  |  |--.env           -> ~/public_html/0live/shared/.env
|  |  |...
|  |
|  |--...               as many as defined in keep_releases

You need to add your public key on the remote server in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. On nix-based systems you can use ssh-copy-id to do so.


Rename config.example.php to deploy/config.php and configure things to your needs. Usually .htaccess in public comes from the repo but if needed, it can be overwritten with a stage specific version. Just create ./deploy/test.htaccess or ./deploy/live.htaccess, which than 'll overwrite public/.htaccess from the repo during deployment according to the stage in use.


The setup uses key-forwarding, so deployment can be done from inside the silverstripe docker container. Before first deployment ssh into remote servers like dep ssh test or dep ssh live and make sure ssh-fingerprint from the git repo is accepted. You may just do a git clone into a test directory to verify things work as expected. If so, deployment is done like:

    ddev php ./vendor/bin/dep deploy test


    ddev php ./vendor/bin/dep deploy live

The first time you deploy to a given stage, you’ll be asked to provide database credentials etc. to populate .env. A file similar as bellow 'll be created.

# For a complete list of core environment variables see
# https://docs.silverstripe.org/en/4/getting_started/environment_management/#core-environment-variables

# Environment dev/stage/live



## Database {#database}





See also:


Deploy a branch/tag/revison

# Deploy revision (git SHA) to test
ddev php ./vendor/bin/dep deploy --revision=ca5fcd330910234f63bf7d5417ab6835e5a57b81 test

# Deploy dev branch to test
ddev php ./vendor/bin/dep deploy --branch=dev test

# Deploy tag 1.0.1 to live
ddev php ./vendor/bin/dep deploy live --tag=1.0.1 live

Show deployed revision

ddev php ./vendor/bin/dep releases live

task releases
+----------------------+-------------+-------- live ---+------------------------------------------+
| Date (Europe/Zurich) | Release     | Author | Target | Commit                                   |
| 2022-11-21 16:57:41  | 1           | user   | HEAD   | 089d9397c34f0c478059a09470000006ed41e000 |
| 2022-12-01 16:06:45  | 2           | user   | HEAD   | 007300b9e054675050d0d1de7000000444918000 |
| 2022-12-02 10:41:18  | 3 (current) | user   | HEAD   | 0d2f7df3fbbc53f666366c3cf000000a392f3000 |

Uploading/downloading database from live/test

# Upload database to test
ddev php ./vendor/bin/dep silverstripe:upload_database test

# Download database from live
ddev php ./vendor/bin/dep silverstripe:download_database live

or use VSCode tasks Command+Shift+B

Uploading/downloading assets from live/test utilizing rsync

# Download assets from live
dep silverstripe:download_assets live

# Upload assets to test
dep silverstripe:upload_assets test

or use VSCode tasks Command+Shift+B

Manual remote dev/build

DevelopmentAdmin over HTTP is disabled in Live-Mode per yml-config. Following deployer-tasks 'll do.

# dev/build on live
ddev php ./vendor/bin/dep silverstripe:dev_build live -v
# dev/build on test
ddev php ./vendor/bin/dep silverstripe:dev_build test -v


ootstra ss an opinionated set of tools for a ready to run, build & deploy Silverstripe CMS instance with elemental

License:BSD 4-Clause "Original" or "Old" License


Language:PHP 51.6%Language:SCSS 24.7%Language:Scheme 17.4%Language:JavaScript 5.1%Language:CSS 1.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%