leovbranco / tumblr-boilerplate

tumblr boilerplate - clean starter theme

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A clean starter theme.


  • Contemporary HTML5 markup
  • Basic tumblr variables
  • Normalize.css
  • Infinite scrolling (optional)
  • Easy Google Analytics (optional)
  • Masonry.js easy setup (optional)
  • Support for comments with Disqus
  • JavaScript / jQuery prototype setup
  • Naming convention from Suit CSS


  • Index.html

Getting started

To use the theme you will have to customize any (free) theme. Go to the Customize page, choose any (free) theme and use it. There will be an 'Edit HTML' link beneath the title.

You have to replace all the HTML with the raw content of index.html.

Save it and that's it! You now have a beautiful, functional base to build whatever you want.

Theme Options: customisation for the final user

By including special meta tags in your theme, users can easily tweak features as colors, custom texts, fonts etc. on the customize page. If you want to know more, please see the Tumblr theme options.

Customize colors

  • Background color
  • Text color

Customize elements

  • Show and hide the footer
  • Show and hide the social sharing features: Tumblr (like and reblog), Facebook, Twitter

Infinite scrolling

Infinite scrolling is activated by default. To deactivate it you have to change one line in the JavaScript found at the bottom of index.html. Comment out the 'this.infiniteScrolling();' line in the init method.


To activate Masonry you only have to add the class is-grid to the body element. To only have masonry on the index page, you should add this code as class to the body {block:IndexPage}is-grid{/block:IndexPage}

Google Analytics

Go the customize page of your blog and fill in your website's Google analytics ID.


Go the customize page of your blog and fill in your Disqus Shortname.

Browser support

  • Internet Explorer > 8 (doesn't support HTML5 elements, among other things)
  • All the rest



tumblr boilerplate - clean starter theme