leoruhland / ionic-header-parallax

This directive enables parallax effect on `ion-header` elements to display a cover photo while on top of the page and transition it to the normal navbar when content is scrolled down.

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Parallax Header Directive for Ionic v4

This directive enables parallax effect on ion-header elements to display a cover photo while on top of the page and transition it to the normal navbar when content is scrolled down.

For Ionic 3 use version 1.1.0 of this package: $ npm i ionic-header-parallax@1.1.0.

alt text

Set Up

  1. Install package: $ npm i ionic-header-parallax.
  2. Import the directive into your desired module (usually appmodule.ts):
import { IonicHeaderParallaxModule } from 'ionic-header-parallax';

  imports: [


Just add the attribute parallax to any <ion-header> element:

<ion-header parallax></ion-header>

Optional attributes:

  • imageUrl (string): The background image to show while expanded.
  • maximumHeight (number): The height for the header when expanded. Default is 200.
  • expandedColor (string): The color (web hex formatted) to show while the header is expanded when no imageUrl is set. When scrolled it will fade to the navbar/toolbar's color or the one configured in <toolbar color=""> attribute.
  • titleColor (string): The text color (web hex formatted) for <ion-title> and <ion-back-button> elements when expanded. They will turn to their default color on cover collapse.


<ion-header parallax imageUrl="https://picsum.photos/350" maximumHeight="350" expandedColor="#AAA" titleColor="white">

  <ion-toolbar color="primary">
      Parallax Header

	Some content here

Modifying the Source Code / Contributing

I don't plan to be maintaining this package full-time, but as I'm usually developing in Ionic I'll be glad to update it any time I make some upgrades for myself. Contributions are very welcome. Find the instructions in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.

Feel free to improve the code!


Raschid JF. Rafaelly



This is an adaptation of this awesome tutorial on v2 by Josh Morony. Thanks.


This directive enables parallax effect on `ion-header` elements to display a cover photo while on top of the page and transition it to the normal navbar when content is scrolled down.


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