leopoldjoy / top-news-aggregator

Twitter and Reddit top news aggregator from the past 24 hours

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Twitter and Reddit top news aggregator from the past 24 hours


This is a news aggregator that uses the Twitter and Reddit APIs to collect the most popular news content from the past 24 hours.


  • Uses Twitter's and Reddit's public APIs
  • Works around 100 post/status API limits
  • Aggregates content based on numerous customizable keywords
  • Writes resulting aggregated content to a CSV file


Ensure that you have Python v2.7.x installed.

1) Install Dependencies

If you haven't already, install pipenv by running:

pip install pipenv

Then, in the project directory, run:

pipenv install

Lastly, install python-twitter by running:

pip install python-twitter

2) Update Twitter API Credentials

If you haven't already, follow these instructions to create a Twitter app. After that, go to helpers/twitter_helpers.py and update the API credentials:

api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=[consumer key],
                  consumer_secret=[consumer secret],
                  access_token_key=[access token],
                  access_token_secret=[access token secret])

3) Run The Program

Inside of the project directory, simply run:

pipenv run python top_news.py

NOTE: be patient, depending on your system it could take some time for the aggregator to finish running.

Thanks for checking this out.

Created by: – Leopold Joy, @leopoldjoy


Twitter and Reddit top news aggregator from the past 24 hours

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%