leonnardo / nvim

A neovim config for Colemak users

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My NeoVim Config (A NeoVim Config for Colemak Users)

中文版README by @EvanMeek


Please DO NOT just copy this config without really looking at it! Please, at least, read this README file!


After Installation, You Need To:

  • Install pynvim (pip)
  • Install nodejs, and do npm install -g neovim
  • Install nerd-fonts (actually it's optional but it looks real good)

After Installation, You Might Want To:

First of all

  • Do :checkhealth

Config Python path

  • Well, make sure you have python
  • See _machine_specific.vim

For Code AutoComplete - coc


  • Do pip3 install flake8 (for linting)

For Taglist:

  • Install ctags for function/class/variable list

For Denite:

  • Install ripgrep
  • Install fd

And also...

  • Install figlet for inputing text ASCII art
  • Install xclip for system clipboard access (Linux and xorg only)

Keyboard Shortcuts

1 Basic Editor Features

1.1 The Most Basics

k : to switch to INSERT : mode, equals to key i

Q : quit current vim window, equals to command :q

S : save the current file, equals to command :w


Since the i key has been mapped to k, every command (combination) that involves i should use k instead (for example, ciw should be ckw).

1.2 Remapped Cursor Movement

Shortcut Action Equivalent
u Cursor up a terminal line k
e Cursor down a terminal line j
n Cursor left h
i Cursor right l
U Cursor up 5 terminal lines 5k
E Cursor down 5 terminal lines 5j
N Cursor to the start of the line 0
I Cursor to the end of the line $
Ctrl u Move the view port up 5 lines without moving the cursor Ctrl y
Ctrl e Move the view port down 5 lines without moving the cursor Ctrl e
h Move to the end of this word e
W Move cursor five words forward 5w
B Move cursor five words forward 5b

1.3 Remapped Insert Mode Keys

Shortcut Action
Ctrl a Move cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl u Move the character on the right of the cursor to the end of the line

1.4 Remapped Text Manipulating Commands in Normal Mode

Shortcut Action
l undo
< Un-indent
> Indent
Ctrl a Increase the number under cursor by 1
Ctrl x Decrease the number under cursor by 1
SPACE SPACE Goto the next placeholder (<++>)

1.5 Other Useful Normal Mode Remapping

Shortcut Action
r Compile/Run the current file
Y Copy selected text to system clipboard
z = Show spell suggestions
SPACE s c Toggle spell suggestion a
SPACE d w Find adjacent duplicated word
SPACE t t Convert every 4 Spaces to a tab
SPACE o Fold
SPACE - Previous quick-fix position
SPACE + Next quick-fix position
\ p Show the path of the current file

2 Window Management

2.1 Creating Window Through Split Screen

Shortcut Action
s u Create a new horizontal split screen and place it above the current window
s e Create a new horizontal split screen and place it below the current window
s n Create a new vertical split screen and place it left to the current window
s i Create a new vertical split screen and place it right to the current window
s v Set the two splits to be vertical
s h Set the two splits to be horizontal
s r v Rotate splits and arrange splits vertically
s r h Rotate splits and arrange splits horizontally

2.2 Moving the Cursor Between Different Windows

Shortcut Action
SPACE + w Move cursor to the next window
SPACE + n Move cursor one window left
SPACE + i Move cursor one window right
SPACE + u Move cursor one window up
SPACE + e Move cursor one window down

2.3 Resizing Different Windows

Use the arrow keys to resize the current window.

2.4 Closing Windows

Shortcut Action
Q Close the current window
SPACE q Close the window below the current window. (The current window will be closed if there is no window below)

3 Tab Management

Shortcut Action
t u Create a new tab
t n Go one tab left
t i Go One tab right
t m n Move tab left
t m i Move tab right

4 Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
SPACE / Create a new split with a terminal below the current window
Ctrl n Escape from terminal input mode


COC (AutoCompletion)

Shortcut Action
Space y Get yank history list
gd Go to definition
gr List references
gi List implementation
gy Go to type definition
Space r n Rename a variable


Shortcut Action
Ctrl e Expand a snippet
Ctrl n (in snippet) Previous Cursor position in snippet
Ctrl e (in snippet) Next Cursor position in snippet


Shortcut Action
tt Toggle NerdTree
I Open in new split
O Open in new tab
l Change root
z h Toggle hidden
, (in NERDTREE) Toggle menu


Shortcut Action
H Show git hunk at current line
SPACE g - Go to previous git hunk
SPACE g + Go to next git hunk
SPACE g f Fold everything except hunks


Shortcut Action
SPACE t m Toggle table mode
SPACE t r Realign table

See :help table-mode.txt for more.


Shortcut Action
T toggle function and variable list
Ctrl t open function/class/variable finder

FZF - the fuzzy file finder

Shortcut Action
Ctrl p Active FZF
Ctrl u Move up 1 item
Ctrl e Move down 1 item


Shortcut Action
Shift + L Open Undotree
Shift + K History go up
Shift + J History go down

Ranger.vim - file browser

  • Make sure you have ranger installed Press R to open Ranger (file selector)

vim-startify - Startup screen

Press Space s t to openup startify

vim-signiture - Bookmarks

Shortcut Action Command
m<letter> Add/remove mark at current line
m/ List all marks
mSPACE Jump to the next mark in buffer

For more commands, see here


Shortcut Action
Ctrl+k Select next word (multiple cursors)
Ctrl+p Select previous word
Ctrl+x Skip word
Esc Quit mutiple cursors


To add surround (string -> "string"):


press: yskw':


To change surround


press: cs'":


far.vim - find and replace

Shortcut Action
SPACE f a Find in the current file
SPACE f r Find and replace


Press Space g i to create a .gitignore file

GV - commit browser

Shortcut Action
g v Open commit browser
q Quit GV window


Press Space + a to calculate the equation in the current line


Shortcut Action
\ \ Show clock
\ c Show calendar


Press \ f to format code

Goyo - Work without distraction

Press g y to toggle Goyo

Custom Snippets


Shortcut What it creates
,n ---
,b Bold text
,s sliced text
,i italic text
,d code block
,c big block of code
,m - [ ] check mark
,p picture
,a link
,1 # H1
,2 ## H2
,3 ### H3
,4 #### H4
,l --------

,f to go to the next <++> (placeholder)

,w to go to the next <++> (placeholder) and then press Enter for you

Other Weird Stuff

Press tx and enter your text

tx Hello<Enter>

 _   _      _ _
| | | | ___| | | ___
| |_| |/ _ \ | |/ _ \
|  _  |  __/ | | (_) |
|_| |_|\___|_|_|\___/


A neovim config for Colemak users


Language:Vim Script 100.0%