leonardochang36 / ai-spacebattle

AI-based Space Battle game

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CHALLENGE for Week i: AI-based Space Battle Competition

Tecnologico de Monterrey, campus Santa Fe

Organizer: Dr. Gilberto EcheverrĂ­a and Dr. Leonardo Chang

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Challenge Objective

Create an algorithm that allows to determine the movements of the air hockey paddle looking to score goal in the opposite side.

All kinds of algorithms can be used, from algorithms that implement programmers' own strategies, algorithms adapted from other problems or machine learning algorithms.

Teams of up to 3 students.

For all the details, see ~/docs/20191028_AI-AirHockey-Semanai_.pdf


Congratulations to all the winners of the challenge!!

Competition Team
Absolute Winner Blazers
Category 123 Clippy
Category 456 Tlacuachis B
Category 789 Blazers

You can find all the competing solutions in ~/players/

DON'T MISS IT: Watch all the final competition games in ~/videos/

Absolute winner competition

comp comp

Category 123 competition

comp comp

Category 456 competition

comp comp

Category 789 competition

comp comp


AI-based Space Battle game

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%