leonardo-pinto / ebytr-mern-challenge

Full-stack todo list app developed using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React e NodeJS) stack. This project was developed due to a technical challenge for a jr. software engineer position.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

EBYTR To Do List


This project consists of a todo list to practice full-stack skills. The application was created using the MERN stack, in which the back-end was developed with the MSC (models, services and controllers) software architecture, using NodeJs, Express and MongoDB. Front-end was developed using React and Redux.

The application consists of a todo list, in which the user may create, delete, and edit a task. Task may be sorted by creation date, current status or alphabetically. Moreover, an authentication system was developed using JWT (jsonwebtoken) for users login and signup.

Back-end integrations tests were performed using Mocha and Chai, while Front-end tests were developed using Jest and React Testing Library

Ebytr To Do

Application Deploy with Netlify

Ebytr To Do

Frameworks and libraries



Getting Started


# Clone the repository
$ git clone git@github.com:leonardo-pinto/ebytr-mern-challenge.git

# enter in the created directoy
$ cd ebytr-mern-challenge

Running the front-end locally

Using npm

# enter in the frontend directory
$ cd frontend

# install the dependencies
$ npm install

# run the app
$ npm start

# run tests
$ npm test

# run tests coverage
$ npm run test:coverage

Using yarn

# enter in the frontend directory
$ cd frontend

# install the dependencies
$ yarn

# install extxra dependencies, if needed
$ yarn add

# run the app
$ yarn start

# run tests
$ yarn test

# run tests coverage
$ yarn run test:coverage


Leonardo Pinto



Full-stack todo list app developed using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React e NodeJS) stack. This project was developed due to a technical challenge for a jr. software engineer position.


Language:JavaScript 98.0%Language:HTML 1.9%Language:CSS 0.1%