leokofi / parity-eth

Parity setup with node and npm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is an implentation of the Ethereum parity client for development. This setup has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04, and should work for most distros replace apt-get with the distros package manager command.

We try to take care off the required packages installed on your machine.

  1. Install required packages first via the commands below.
  • Open terminal ctrl+alt+t copy and paste the following into the terminal window, or type it whatever works for you.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs -y
sudo apt-get install npm -y

What should happen:

  • This should set nodejs and npm support
  • will update the packages and install
  1. Download or clone the git repo into your home directory.
git clone https://github.com/leokofi/parity-eth.git && cd parity-eth

what should happen:

  • This will download the parity-eth repo from github; and create a folder called parity-eth
  • once this is done, it will cd into the folder.
  1. ls -a in the parity-eth

What should happen:

  • list all the files and directory that are in the folder even the hidden once
  1. run the following commands in the terminal
npm install

What should happen:

  • This will install all required npm packages in the folder that are list in the package.json file, and it also runs the install script in the bin directory.
  • Install.sh ** This will take about 10 min** script will compile and install parity. This will install the development version and not the current stable version and uncomment the developer option.
  • It will install parity and create .parity directory in the $HOME directory
  • it will also create a node_modules folder which keeps all nodejs stuff.
  1. Decide what options you would like and run the command listed
npm start [option]
  • checks if you have at least one address setup, if not it will create one for you.
  • private blockchain => this is your local blockchain and you load the pre configure gensis block, you are doing the mining
  • testnet blockchain => public blockchain for testing your apps, this can be reset anytime fake eth
  • live blockchain => this is the real deal... mistakes here will cost you eth

what should happen:

  • The npm start command with option will create a directory in $HOME if this is the first time.
  • it will lunch a browser that will point to for the UI to parity stats and wallet info.
  • paridata/livenet; for the live blockchain network
  • paridata/testnet; for the test blockchain network
  • paridata/private; for your own private blockchain network

For private blockchain the gensis.json file is loaded, hence you need to run ethminer in another terminal to start mining your blocks.

Todo : for private blockchain being able to configure and setup other nodes to create a full private blockchain.

** The full private blockchain network option within your own LAN option

we added the --identity flag in the parity option with the default being --identity $HOME Node1 which is the bootnode is required and the address of that node, is given to you when you run npm start private e.g

  • Public node URL: enode://89a3bcb1bd42f03b458803915819d3d67a5c7a2443c33399cbfa0b5c20b1585d689a6fa79e5cf8142f851248241cdc882155fc09ed706d6b90fbce357ab42239@

to interact with ethereum via command line... you can use node, open a new terminal and type:

npm run util

What should happen: it will give you ">" that you can use to interact with ethereum. below are some commands you can tryout.

web3.eth.getBalance(web3.eth.accounts[0]) //this will get the account balance of the coinbase account in wei
web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance(web3.eth.accounts[0])) // this will give you the account balance in eth
\bin => hold the bash files i.e install.sh, start-parity.sh stop.sh and clean.sh
\lib => holds gensis or any other liberary that we might need; the default pswd file is stored here.. you can use this for quick unlocking of accounts. use only in testnet and private chain
\node_modules => which is created when you first run the npm install command, this keeps all the node packages required
package.json file => is details all that node/npm are doing.
util.js is the file that connects you to ethereum via node console, i will include some function later.

Each chain has it's own directory where info is stored ($HOME/paridata/$typeofchain) Keys are stored in the subdirectory of paridata/$typeofchain/keys


Parity setup with node and npm


Language:Shell 87.9%Language:JavaScript 12.1%