leoimpett / machinebiennial-data

Anonymised interaction data from ai.biennial.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Anonymised interaction data from ai.biennial.com.

The data are presented chronologically. The data format is as follows: [action] [imageid] [action] [imageid] [action] [imageid] [action] [imageid] ...


  • [action] is one of Open, Left, Right, Down, or Undo (O/L/R/D/U).
  • [imageid] is an integer representing one image of an artwork at the 2021 Liverpool Biennial. It is accessible at ai.biennial.com/img/gen/512/[imageid].jpg . For instance, image number 47 can be viewed at: https://ai.biennial.com/img/gen/512/47.jpg

The chain ([action] [imageid] [action] [imageid] ...) is therefore of the form:


This indicates that the user opened with image 46, then went down (i.e. through combined text-text and image-image similarity) to image 11, then right (i.e. through multimodal text-image similarity) to image 13, then pressed 'undo' (labelled as 'back' in the user interface) taking the user back to image 11.

The most recent co-curated biennials are visible at the following URL:


The web interface can also display a biennial pathway using the same data format explained above - for instance:



Anonymised interaction data from ai.biennial.com
