leofalves / leofalves

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi there 😁

I'm Leo, from São Paulo - BR.

Currently, I'm working as an Oracle developer at Luxair in Luxembourg. I am studying Java applications using Spring Boot Framework (Spring Web, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA and Junit).

I hold a degree in Technology (FATEC-OU) and I did two specializations too, the first one Oracle Database Administration (FIAP) and the second one Project Management (FGV). I've been working as a developer, business analyst and tech lead since 1999. I am also a Volunteacher at CPM, an NGO that helps young students to learn English.

Connect with me via social media:

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Here are my Study Repositories in Github:

Leo's Repos
