Leo Edmiston-Cyr (leoecyr)


Geek Repo


Location:Orono, ME

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Leo Edmiston-Cyr's repositories


Want to pull data into your website/mobile app from an API and you don't want to request the same data over and over from that API? This PHP file will cache your json, html, or other text results in a MySQL database. It's just the thing when you don't have memcache on your host. This works with JSON from an API request or the HTML from your processed templates. This is a single file you can drop in place on your server. You'll create a cache with two lines of code and get and set things with two more lines!



Firmware for an Arduino based, very low power, band dendrometer



Convert a Shapefile to GeoJSON. Not many caveats.



This script is for Drupal and sphpblog in 2007. It is here for its historic value unless it gets updated. sphpblog2drupal is a python script which will read a content/ directory from an sphpblog install and extract all the posts from the directory structure and insert them into a drupal database as blog entries with the correct date and time.
