leodegeus7 / SimpleOnBoarding

The best way to create super customizable OnBoarding Views to your app!

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Simple OnBoarding

Create simple and super customizable OnBoarding Views

With this tool you can create OnBoarding Views to show informations before the user actually see your app.


POD Installation:

pod 'SimpleOnBoarding', :git => 'https://github.com/leodegeus7/SimpleOnBoarding.git'

Usage example

To use this tool you need to follow few steps:

  1. In your AppDelegate import the framework SimpleOnBoarding;
  2. Create a Json File with your information, upload it to a server or put it in your bundle. The structure of JSON file can be founded here;
  3. Create an object of type OnBoarding in your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.
    • Passing the working mode: .online or .offline
    • Passing a config Json URL, this can be an URL(string: "http://") or a Bundle.main.url(forResource: "file", withExtension: "json")
    • Passing a UIViewController to be the next controller in OnBoarding Flow
SimpleOnBoarding(mode: WorkingMode, configJsonURL: URL, whereNextViewControllerIs: UIViewController)
  1. If you use a Online JsonFile is required to use a LoadController, but if you use a offline data the Load screen is optional. If you want you can force the activatation and customize with the follow code:
onBoarding.showLoadingScreenWhenOffline(Bool, during: Int)
onBoarding.updateLoadingScreenView(image: UIImage, progressBarColor: UIColor,progressBarBackLoadingColor: UIColor)
  1. Just start the onBoarding Views with the function show().


Simple OnBoarding enables you to create a customizable layout. You can use our default layout and personalize with your colors and fonts or create your from a xib file.

Default Layout Customization

let layout = OnBoardingLayout()
layout.titleColor = UIColor()
layout.descriptionFont = UIFont()
layout.buttonBackgroundColor = UIColor()
layout.backgroundColor = UIColor()
let onBoarding = SimpleOnBoarding(mode: WorkingMode, configJsonURL: URL, layout: layout, whereNextViewControllerIs: nextController)

Custom Layout From Xib

Download xib template file from here, and customize with your style, take care to don't delete any component.

let layout = OnBoardingLayout(customNibName: "OnBoardingView", bundle: Bundle(for: AppDelegate.self))
let onBoarding = SimpleOnBoarding(mode: WorkingMode, configJsonURL: URL, layout: layout, whereNextViewControllerIs: nextController)

Multi Customization of Layout

You can create one layout to screen of OnBoarding. Just create the layouts and pass with an array to OnBoarding object:

let layout1 = OnBoardingLayout()
let layout2 = OnBoardingLayout()
let layout3 = OnBoardingLayout(customNibName: "OnBoardingView", bundle: Bundle(for: AppDelegate.self))
let onBoarding = SimpleOnBoarding(mode: WorkingMode, configJsonURL: URL, layout: [layout1,layout2,layout3], whereNextViewControllerIs: nextController)

Release History

  • 0.0.1

    • First Commit
  • 0.0.24

    • Updated to Swift 4.2
  • 0.0.25

    • Fixed problems of communcation between controllers


Leonardo Alexandre de Geus – @leodegeus7leonardodegeus@gmail.com

See LICENSE for more information.



The best way to create super customizable OnBoarding Views to your app!

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 96.1%Language:Ruby 2.4%Language:Objective-C 1.5%