leobel / acme

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The solution is based on four entities, Customer, Address, Invoice and Client. Those entities are mapped to their equivalent tables in a MySQL database with the following relationship:

  • A Customer has One-To-Many relationship to Address
  • A Customer has One-To-Many relationship to Invoice
  • An Address has One-To-Many relationship to Invoice

The more important thing here is the entity Client. This table is use to manage the one-to-many relationship between the Customer and Address but also it handle another particular situation. The main concern is prevent to create an Invoice with a customer_id and address_id that is not reflected in the database, I mean the user is not tied to the address. With clients you can be sure that all the invoices created are for customers tied to address. The data stored in this table are customer_id and address_id. To prevent the situation mentioned above just need to follow the next restrictions:

  • the primary key for client is (customer_id, address_id)
  • the table clients has a foreign key to customer
  • the table clients has a foreign key to address
  • the table invoice has a foreign key to client related to both keys (customer_id, address_id)
  • address_id is UNIQUE in the table clients (I asumed this restriction to prevent address has many customers)

Now all the invoices's customer_id and address_id are checked by the foreign key, so they need to be in the table clients, so the customer and the address are related.


The project contains two layers, one to access to the data in the database, and other to define the entry point (URLs) the API has, get the data from the database based on the entry point selected, map it and return a response.

Data Layer

The data layer is responsible to handle all the operations regarding to get access and modify the underline data. To do this there are data access objects (DAO) that do the necessary, business logic. Each DAO correspond to the logic for the underlaying Entiry e.g. the InvoiceDAO is responsible to handle (access/modify) the data in the Invoice entity (the table Invoice in the database). Also the behaviour that must follow each DAO is represented in an Interface called Repository.

In this particular case Repository only has the most basic methods to ensure the requirements for the Entities: Address and Customer, so to ensure the requirements about the Invoice entity there is the interface *QueryParamsRepository, this just extends Repository and add the necessary methods for the filters e.g. the method findByQueryParams with the parameter customerId to return all the invoices related to the specific customer (all the other filters are handles with overloads of this method). To Represent the data coming from the database there are classes, using Hibernate to handle the relationship between their.

Business Layer

These are the controllers, just define the entry point for each request and the logic inside it. Here the controller get the data from the database, handle all the validations and map the result to create the correspond response. The controller is how decide if the response is a 200 Ok, a 201 Created, a 404 Not Found or anything else. The data that is finally returned is handle by data transfer objects (DTO) given flexibility to determine what data should be available in the response. For every entity we have the equivalent DTO e.g. InvoiceDTO represent the data exposed for the entry point related to Invoice.


The project was built using Java and DropWizard to create the RESTful web wervices. This is a Maven project so you will need the following requirements:

  • JDK 1.8
  • Maven
  • MySQL

Build and run

To build the project go to the root of the soruce code directory, you will be in you_path_to_project/acme. Here execute: mvn package, this will build the project and create a .jar called acme-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. The project depends on a database, so I'll provide to you the script to create the database and add some data to test it. The script will create three address (just the first and third belongs to the customer with id=1, they are in table clients), two customers and two invoices (all belongs to the customer with id=1). One of the invoices is of type shop. Once you do that, everything should by ready to run the project. To run the project, stay in the same dir and execute this command: java -jar target/acme-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server config.yml this will start the server and will give the info to know the urls for each endpoint, something like this:

GET     /customers/{id} (vandebron.resources.CustomerController)
GET     /invoices (vandebron.resources.InvoiceController)
POST    /invoices (vandebron.resources.InvoiceController)
GET     /invoices/{id} (vandebron.resources.InvoiceController)

The host will be http://localhost:8080/. In order to add some invoices you should pass a JSON that match the structure of InvoiceDTO. This is an example using curl:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"customerId":1,"addressId":2,"invoiceType":"AdvancePurchase","invoiceDate":"2017-05-10 00:00:00","startDate":"2017-05-10 00:00:00","endDate":"2017-06-10 00:00:00"}' http://localhost:8080/invoices

Please notice the format of the dates, it should by: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

You can also create a customer with their respective address and invoices for that address, this an example:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name": "customer_test",  "email": "test@email.com",  "addresses": [ { "name": "address_test"}], "invoices": [{"invoiceType":"AdvancePurchase" ,"invoiceDate":"2017-05-10 00:00:00","startDate":"2017-05-10 00:00:00","endDate":"2017-06-10 00:00:00"}]}' http://localhost:8080/customers    



Language:Java 100.0%