Build scripts to create Apache Mesos packages with FPM for simple installation in a cluster.
Apache Mesos is a cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications, or frameworks. It can run Hadoop, MPI, Hypertable, Spark (a new framework for low-latency interactive and iterative jobs), and other applications. Currently is in the Apache Incubator and going through rapid development, though stable enough for a production usage. See Mesos website for more details.
sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev python-dev autoconf automake git make libssl-dev libcurl4 libtool
sudo gem install fpm
Note: In earlier versions of Debian based distros the dependency libcurl4
should be replaced with libcurl3
Mesos has its own OS-level build requirements that need to be installed as well before building.
See getting-started for more information.
define in e.g. ~/.bash_profile
export MAINTAINER=""
export MAKEFLAGS=-j8
- Tomas Barton
- Srdjan Grubor
This project is a hard fork of as that repository is no longer maintained.