lendle / MLBase.jl

A set of functions to support the development of machine learning algorithms

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Swiss knife for machine learning.

This package does not implement specific machine learning algorithms. Instead, it provides a collection of useful tools to support machine learning programs, including:

  • Data manipulation
  • Standardization
  • Score-based classification
  • Cross validation
  • Performance evaluation (e.g. evaluating ROC)
  • Computing deviation between arrays

Data Manipulation

  • repeach(a, n)

    Repeat each element in vector a for n times. Here n can be either a scalar or a vector with the same length as a.

    using MLBase
    repeach(1:3, 2) # --> [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]
    repeach(1:3, [3,2,1]) # --> [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]
  • repeachcol(a, n)

    Repeat each column in matrix a for n times. Here n can be either a scalar or a vector with length(n) == size(a,2).

  • repeachrow(a, n)

    Repeat each row in matrix a for n times. Here n can be either a scalar or a vector with length(n) == size(a,1).

  • counteq(a, b)

    Count the number of occurences of a[i] == b[i].

  • countne(a, b)

    Count the number of occurrences of a[i] != b[i].

Data Standardization

Sometimes, it might be desirable to standardize a set of data before feeding it to a machine learning task (e.g. PCA), in order to balance the contributions of different components.

The package provides a Standardize type to capture the standardization transform, which is defined as below:

immutable Standardize

Applying a standardization transform t to a vector x is defined as:

y[i] = t.scale[i] * (x[i] - t.mean[i])

Here, t.scale[i] is the inverse of the standard deviation of the i-th variable. After standarization, each component would have zero mean and unit standard deviation.

Note we allow either mean or scale fields to be empty, which indicates that the step of shifting the mean or that of scaling the component would not be applied.

  • estimate(Standardize, X[; center=true, scale=true])

    Estimate a standardization transform from a given data set X.

    This package follows the convention that each column of X is an observation and each row is a component/variable.

  • standardize(X[; center=true, scale=true])

    Estimate a standardization transform from X and apply it to X. It returns a pair (Y, t), where Y is the transformed data matrix, and t is an instance of Standardize that represents the estimated transform.

  • standardize!(X[; center=true, scale=true])

    Similar to standardize, except that the transformation to X happens inplace.

  • transform(t, X)

    Apply a standardization transform t to X, return the transformed vector/matrix.

  • transform!(t, X)

    Apply a standardization transform t to X inplace, return X.

Label Map

In machine learning, we often need to first attach each class with an integer label. This package provides a type LabelMap that captures the association between discrete values (e.g a finite set of strings) and integer labels.

Together with LabelMap, the package also provides a function labelmap to construct the map from a sequence of discrete values, and a function labelencode to map discrete values to integer labels.

julia> lm = labelmap(["a", "a", "b", "b", "c"])
LabelMap (with 3 labels):
[1] a
[2] b
[3] c

julia> labelencode(lm, "b")

julia> labelencode(lm, ["a", "c", "b"])
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

Note that labelencode can be applied to either single value or an array.

The package also provides a function groupindices to group indices based on associated labels.

julia> groupindices(3, [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2])
3-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:

 # using lm as constructed above
julia> groupindices(lm, ["a", "a", "c", "b", "b"])
3-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:

Score-based Classification

No matter how sophisticated a classification framework is, the entire classification task generally consists of two steps: (1) assign a score/distance to each class, and (2) choose the class that yields the highest score/lowest distance.

This package provides a function classify and its friends to accomplish the second step.

  • classify(x[, ord])

    Classify based on scores given in x and the order of scores specified in ord.

    Generally, ord can be any instance of type Ordering. However, it usually enough to use either Forward or Reverse:

    • ord = Forward: higher value indicates better match (e.g., similarity)
    • ord = Reverse: lower value indicates better match (e.g., distances)

    When ord is omitted, it is defaulted to Forward.

    When x is a vector, it produces an integer label. When x is a matrix, it produces a vector of integers, each for a column of x.

    classify([0.2, 0.5, 0.3])  # --> 2
    classify([0.2, 0.5, 0.3], Forward)  # --> 2
    classify([0.2, 0.5, 0.3], Reverse)  # --> 1
    classify([0.2 0.5 0.3; 0.7 0.6 0.2]') # --> [2, 1]
    classify([0.2 0.5 0.3; 0.7 0.6 0.2]', Forward) # --> [2, 1]
    classify([0.2 0.5 0.3; 0.7 0.6 0.2]', Reverse) # --> [1, 3]
  • classify!(r, x[, ord])

    Write predicted labels to r.

  • classify_withscore(x[, ord])

    Return a pair as (label, score), where score is the input score corresponding to the predicted label.

  • classify_withscores(x[, ord])

    This function applies to a matrix x comprised of multiple samples (each being a column). It returns a pair (labels, scores).

  • classify_withscores!(r, s, x[, ord])

    Write predicted labels to r and corresponding scores to s.

Cross Validation

This package implements several cross validation schemes: Kfold, LOOCV, and RandomSub. Each scheme is an iterable object, of which each element is a vector of indices (indices of samples selected for training).

  • Kfold(n, k)

    k-fold cross validation over a set of n samples, which are randomly partitioned into k disjoint subsets of nearly the same sizes.

    julia> collect(Kfold(10, 3))
    3-element Array{Any,1}:
  • LOOCV(n)

    Leave-one-out cross validation over a set of n samples.

    julia> collect(LOOCV(4))
    4-element Array{Any,1}:
  • RandomSub(n, sn, k)

    Repetitively random subsampling. Particularly, this generates k subsets of length sn from a data set with n samples.

    julia> collect(RandomSub(10, 5, 3))
    3-element Array{Any,1}:

The package also provides a function cross_validate as below to run a cross validation procedure.

  • cross_validate(estfun, evalfun, n, gen, ord)

    Run a cross validation procedure.

    • estfun: estimation function, which takes a vector of training indices as input and returns a learned model, as

      model = estfun(train_inds)
    • evalfun: evaluation function, which takes a model and a vector of testing indices as input and returns a score that indicates the goodness of the model, as

      score = evalfun(model, test_inds)
    • n: the total number of samples

    • gen: an iterable object that provides training indices, e.g., a cross validation scheme as listed above.

    • ord: the ordering of the evaluated score. ord = Forward means that higher score indicates better model; ord = Reverse means that lower score indicates better model.

    This function returns a tuple as (best_model, best_score, best_indices).

    Here is a full example:

    # A simple example to demonstrate the use of cross validation
    # Here, we consider a simple model: using a mean vector to represent
    # a set of samples. The goodness of the model is assessed in terms
    # of the RMSE (root-mean-square-error) evaluated on the testing set
    using MLBase
    # functions
    compute_center(X::Matrix{Float64}) = vec(mean(X, 2))
    compute_rmse(c::Vector{Float64}, X::Matrix{Float64}) = 
        sqrt(mean(sum(abs2(X .- c),1)))
    # data
    const n = 200
    const data = [2., 3.] .+ randn(2, n)
    # cross validation
    (c, v, inds) = cross_validate(
        inds -> compute_center(data[:, inds]),        # training function
        (c, inds) -> compute_rmse(c, data[:, inds]),  # evaluation function
        n,              # total number of samples
        Kfold(n, 5),    # cross validation plan: 5-fold 
        Reverse)        # smaller score indicates better model

    Please refer to examples/crossval.jl for the entire script.

Performance Evaluation

This package provides tools to assess the performance of a machine learning algorithm.

Correct rate and error rate

  • correctrate(gt, pred)

    Compute correct rate of predictions given by pred w.r.t. the ground truths given in gt.

  • errorrate(gt, pred)

    Compute error rate of predictions given by pred w.r.t. the ground truths given in gt.

Hit rate

  • hitrate(gt, ranklist, k)

    Compute the hitrate of rank k for a ranked list of predictions given by ranklist w.r.t. the ground truths given in gt.

    Particularly, if gt[i] is contained in ranklist[1:k, i], then the prediction for the i-th sample is said to be hit within rank k. The hitrate of rank k is the fraction of predictions that hit within rank k.

  • hitrates(gt, ranklist, ks)

    Compute hit-rates of multiple ranks (as given by a vector ks). It returns a vector of hitrates r, where r[i] corresponding to the rank ks[i].

    Note that computing hit-rates for multiple ranks jointly is more efficient than computing them separately.


ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) is often used to measure the performance of a detector, thresholded classifier, or a verification algorithm.

This package uses an immutable type ROCNums defined below to capture the ROC of an experiment:

immutable ROCNums{T<:Real}
    p::T    # positive in ground-truth
    n::T    # negative in ground-truth
    tp::T   # correct positive prediction
    tn::T   # correct negative prediction
    fp::T   # (incorrect) positive prediction when ground-truth is negative
    fn::T   # (incorrect) negative prediction when ground-truth is positive

One can compute a variety of performance measurements from an instance of ROCNums (say r):

  • true_positive(r)

    the number of true positives (r.tp)

  • true_negative(r)

    the number of true negatives (r.tn)

  • false_positive(r)

    the number of false positives (r.fp)

  • false_negative(r)

    the number of false negatives (r.fn)

  • true_postive_rate(r)

    the fraction of positive samples correctly predicted as positive, defined as r.tp / r.p

  • true_negative_rate(r)

    the fraction of negative samples correctly predicted as negative, defined as r.tn / r.n

  • false_positive_rate(r)

    the fraction of negative samples incorrectly predicted as positive, defined as r.fp / r.n

  • false_negative_rate(r)

    the fraction of positive samples incorrectly predicted as negative, defined as r.fn / r.p

  • recall(r)

    Equivalent to true_positive_rate(r).

  • precision(r)

    the fraction of positive predictions that are correct, defined as r.tp / (r.tp + r.fp).

  • f1score(r)

    the harmonic mean of recall(r) and precision(r).

The package provides a function roc to compute an instance of ROCNums or a sequence of such instances from predictions.

  • roc(gt, pred)

    compute an ROC instance based on ground-truths given in gt and predictions given in pred.

  • roc(gt, scores, thres[, ord])

    compute an ROC instance based on scores and a threshold thres.

    Prediction is made as follows:

    • when ord = Forward: predicts 1 when scores[i] >= thres otherwise 0.
    • when ord = Reverse: predicts 1 when scores[i] <= thres otherwise 0.

    When ord is omitted, it is defaulted to Forward.

    When thres is a single number, it produces a single ROCNums instance; when thres is a vector, it produces a vector of ROCNums instances. Jointly evaluating the ROC for multiple thresholds is generally much faster than evaluating for them individually.

  • roc(gt, (preds, scores), thres[, ord])

    compute an ROC instance based on (unthresholded) predictions, scores and a threshold thres.

    Prediction is made as follows:

    • when ord = Forward: predicts preds[i] when scores[i] >= thres otherwise 0.
    • when ord = Reverse: predicts preds[i] when scores[i] <= thres otherwise 0.

    When ord is omitted, it is defaulted to Forward.

    When thres is a single number, it produces a single ROCNums instance; when thres is a vector, it produces a vector of ROCNums instances. Jointly evaluating the ROC for multiple thresholds is generally much faster than evaluating for them individually.

  • roc(gt, scores, n[, ord])

  • roc(gt, (preds, scores), n[, ord])

    compute a sequence of ROC instances for n evenly spaced thresholds from minimum(scores) and maximum(scores).

  • roc(gt, scores, ord])

  • roc(gt, (preds, scores), ord])

    Respectively equivalent to roc(gt, scores, 100, ord) and roc(gt, (preds, scores), 100, ord).

  • roc(gt, scores)

  • roc(gt, (preds, scores))

    Respectively equivalent to roc(gt, scores, 100, Forward) and roc(gt, (preds, scores), 100, Forward).

Computing Deviations

For many machine learning algorithms, the primary goal is to minimize the deviation between the ground-truth signals and the reconstructed ones. This package provides functions to compute various deviations:

  • sqL2dist(a, b)

    Squared L2 distance between a and b.

  • L2dist(a, b)

    L2 distance between a and b.

  • L1dist(a, b)

    L1 distance between a and b.

  • Linfdist(a, b)

    Linf distance between a and b.

  • gkldiv(a, b)

    Generalized Kullback-Leibler divergence between two arrays a and b.

    Defined as sum(a .* log(a / b) - a + b). Note: when sum(a) == 1 and sum(b) == 1, it reduces to the KL-divergence in standard sense.

  • meanad(a, b)

    Mean absolute deviation between a and b, i.e. mean(abs(a - b)).

  • maxad(a, b)

    Maximum absolute deviation between a and b, i.e. maximum(abs(a - b)).

  • msd(a, b)

    Mean squared deviation between a and b, i.e. mean(abs2(a - b)).

  • rmsd(a, b)

    Root mean squared deviation, i.e. sqrt(msd(a, b)).

  • nrmsd(a, b)

    Normalized root mean squared deviation, i.e. rmsd(a, b) / (maximum(a) - minimum(a)).

  • psnr(a, b, maxv)

    Peak signal-to-noise ratio, i.e. 10 * log10(maxv^2 / msd(a, b)).

Note: all these functions are implemented in a reasonably efficient way without creating any temporary arrays in the middle.


A set of functions to support the development of machine learning algorithms

License:MIT License