lenbolan / ExSwift

A set of Swift extensions for standard types and classes.

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Set of Swift extensions for standard types and classes.


Because of Xcode errors it's not possible to integrate this project with Cocoapods or as Embedded Framework. Read more at Dev Forum

Use submodule and copy source code

  1. Add ExSwift as a submodule
  2. Open the ExSwift project folder, and drag ExSwift sub folder with source code into the file navigator of your Xcode project. Make sure you select add to target
  3. Use it
components.takeFirst() { $0.completed }




Examples in the Wiki

Instance Methods

Name Signature
first first () -> Element?
last last () -> Element?
get get (index: Int) -> Element?
remove remove <U: Equatable> (element: U)
at at (indexes: Int...) -> Array
take take (n: Int) -> Array
takeWhile takeWhile (condition: (Element) -> Bool) -> Array
takeFirst takeFirst (condition: (Element) -> Bool) -> Element?
tail tail (n: Int) -> Array
skip skip (n: Int) -> Array
skipWhile skipWhile (condition: (Element) -> Bool) -> Array
contains contains <T: Equatable> (item: T...) -> Bool
difference difference <T: Equatable> (values: [T]...) -> [T]
intersection intersection <U: Equatable> (values: [U]...) -> Array
union union <U: Equatable> (values: [U]...) -> Array
unique unique <T: Equatable> () -> [T]
indexOf indexOf <T: Equatable> (item: T) -> Int?
indexOf indexOf (condition: Element -> Bool) -> Int?
lastIndexOf lastIndexOf <T: Equatable> (item: T) -> Int?
zip zip (arrays: Array<Any>...) -> [[Any?]]
partition partition (var n: Int, var step: Int? = nil) -> [Array]
partition (var n: Int, var step: Int? = nil, pad: Element[]?) -> [Array]
partitionAll partitionAll (var n: Int, var step: Int? = nil) -> [Array]
partitionBy partitionBy <T: Equatable> (cond: (Element) -> T) -> [Array]
shuffle shuffle ()
shuffled shuffled () -> Array
sample (random) sample (size n: Int = 1) -> [T]
max max <T: Comparable> () -> T
min min <T: Comparable> () -> T
each each (call: (Element) -> ())
each (call: (Int, Element) -> ())
eachRight eachRight (call: (Element) -> ())
eachRight (call: (Int, Element) -> ())
any any (call: (Element) -> Bool) -> Bool
all all (call: (Element) -> Bool) -> Bool
reject reject (exclude: (Element -> Bool)) -> Array
pop pop() -> Element
push push(newElement: Element)
shift shift() -> Element
unshift unshift(newElement: Element)
insert insert (newArray: Array, atIndex: Int)
groupBy groupBy <U> (groupingFunction group: (Element) -> (U)) -> [U: Array]
countBy countBy <U> (groupingFunction group: (Element) -> (U)) -> [U: Int]
countWhere countWhere (test: (Element) -> Bool) -> Int
reduce reduce (combine: (Element, Element) -> Element) -> Element?
reduceRight reduceRight <U>(initial: U, combine: (U, Element) -> U) -> U
mapFilter mapFilter <V> (mapFunction map: (Element) -> (V)?) -> [V]
implode implode <C: ExtensibleCollection> (separator: C) -> C?
flatten flatten <OutType> () -> [OutType]
flattenAny flattenAny () -> [AnyObject]
toDictionary toDictionary <U> (keySelector:(Element) -> U) -> [U: Element]
toDictionary toDictionary <K, V> (transform: (Element) -> (key: K, value: V)?) -> [K: V]
cycle cycle (n: Int? = nil, block: (T) -> ())
bSearch bSearch (block: (T) -> (Bool)) -> T?
bSearch bSearch (block: (T) -> (Int)) -> T?
sortUsing sortUsing<U:Comparable>(block: ((T) -> U)) -> [T]
transposition transposition (array: [[T]]) -> [[T]]
permutation permutation (length: Int) -> [[T]]
repeatedPermutation repeatedPermutation(length: Int) -> [[T]]
combination combination (length: Int) -> [[Element]]
repeatedCombination repeatedCombination (length: Int) -> [[Element]]

Class Methods

Name Signatures
range range <U: ForwardIndex> (range: Range<U>) -> Array<U>


Name Signature Function
- - <T: Equatable> (first: Array<T>, second: Array<T>) -> Array<T> Difference
- - <T: Equatable> (first: Array<T>, second: T) -> Array<T> Element removal
& & <T: Equatable> (first: Array<T>, second: Array<T>) -> Array<T> Intersection
| | <T: Equatable> (first: Array, second: Array) -> Array Union
* Int * <ItemType> (array: ItemType[], n: Int) -> [ItemType] Returns a new array built by concatenating int copies of self
* String * (array: String[], separator: String) -> String Equivalent to array.implode(String)
[rangeAsArray: x..y]
[rangeAsArray: x...y]
subscript(#rangeAsArray: Range<Int>) -> Array Returns the sub-array from index x to index y
[x, y, ...] subscript(first: Int, second: Int, rest: Int...) -> Array Returns the items at x, y


Examples in the Wiki



Instance Methods

Name Signatures
times times <T> (call: (Int) -> T)
times <T> (call: () -> T)
times (call: () -> ())
isEven isEven () -> Bool
isOdd idOdd () -> Bool
upTo upTo (limit: Int, call: (Int) -> ())
downTo downTo (limit: Int, call: (Int) -> ())
clamp clamp (range: Range<Int>) -> Int
clamp (min: Int, max: Int) -> Int
isIn isIn (range: Range<Int>, strict: Bool = false) -> Bool
digits digits () -> Array<Int>
abs abs () -> Int
gcd gcd (n: Int) -> Int
lcm lcm (n: Int) -> Int

Class Methods

Name Signatures
random random(min: Int = 0, max: Int) -> Int


Examples in the Wiki

Instance Methods

Name Signature
abs abs () -> Float
sqrt sqrt () -> Float
round round () -> Float
ceil ceil () -> Float
floor floor () -> Float
clamp clamp (min: Float, _ max: Float) -> Float

Class Methods

Name Signatures
random random(min: Float = 0, max: Float) -> Float


Examples in the Wiki



Instance Methods

Name Signature
explode explode (separator: Character) -> [String]
at at (indexes: Int...) -> [String]
matches matches (pattern: String, ignoreCase: Bool = false) -> [NSTextCheckingResult]?
insert insert (index: Int, _ string: String) -> String
ltrimmed ltrimmed () -> String
ltrimmed ltrimmed (set: NSCharacterSet) -> String
rtrimmed rtrimmed () -> String
rtrimmed rtrimmed (set: NSCharacterSet) -> String
trimmed trimmed () -> String
rtrimmed rtrimmed (set: NSCharacterSet) -> String
toDouble toDouble() -> Double?
toFloat toFloat() -> Float?
toUInt toUInt() -> UInt?
toBool toBool() -> Bool?
toDate toDate(format : String? = "yyyy-MM-dd") -> NSDate?
toDateTime toDateTime(format : String? = "yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ss") -> NSDate?

Class Methods

Name Signature
random func random (var length len: Int = 0, charset: String = "...") -> String


Name Signature
[x] subscript(index: Int) -> String?
subscript(range: Range<Int>) -> String
[x, y, z] subscript (indexes: Int...) -> [String]
S * n * (first: String, second: Int) -> String
=~ =~ (string: String, pattern: String) -> Bool
=~ (string: String, options: (pattern: String, ignoreCase: Bool)) -> Bool
=~ (strings: [String], pattern: String) -> Bool
=~ (strings: [String], options: (pattern: String, ignoreCase: Bool)) -> Bool
|~ |~ (string: String, pattern: String) -> Bool
|~ (string: String, options: (pattern: String, ignoreCase: Bool)) -> Bool


Examples in the Wiki

Instance Methods

Name Signatures
times times (call: (T) -> ())
times (call: () -> ())
each each (call: (T) -> ())
toArray toArray () -> [T]

Class Methods

Name Signature
random random (from: Int, to: Int) -> Range<Int>


Name Signature Function
= == <U: ForwardIndex> (first: Range<U>, second: Range<U>) -> Bool Compares 2 ranges


Examples in the Wiki

Instance Methods

Name Signatures
difference difference <V: Equatable> (dictionaries: [Key: V]...) -> [Key: V]
union union (dictionaries: [Key: Value]...) -> [Key: Value]
intersection intersection <K, V where K: Equatable, V: Equatable> (dictionaries: [K: V]...) -> [K: V]
has has (key: Key) -> Bool
map map <K, V> (mapFunction map: (Key, Value) -> (K, V)) -> [K: V]
mapFilter mapFilter <K, V> (mapFunction map: (Key, Value) -> (K, V)?) -> [K: V]
mapValues mapValues <V> (mapFunction map: (Key, Value) -> (V)) -> [Key: V]
mapFilterValues mapFilterValues <V> (mapFunction map: (Key, Value) -> V?) -> [Key: V]
each each(eachFunction each: (Key, Value) -> ())
filter filter(testFunction test: (Key, Value) -> Bool) -> [Key: Value]
merge merge (dictionaries: [Key: Value]...) -> [Key: Value]
shift shift () -> (Key, Value)
groupBy groupBy <T> (groupingFunction group: (Key, Value) -> (T)) -> [T: Array<Value>]
countBy countBy <T> (groupingFunction group: (Key, Value) -> (T)) -> [T: Int]
countWhere countWhere (test: (Key, Value) -> (Bool)) -> Int
any any (test: (Key, Value) -> (Bool)) -> Bool
all all (test: (Key, Value) -> (Bool)) -> Bool
reduce reduce <U> (initial: U, combine: (U, Element) -> U) -> U
pick, at pick (keys: [Key]) -> Dictionary
pick (keys: Key...) -> Dictionary
at (keys: Key...) -> Dictionary
toArray toArray <V> (mapFunction map: (Key, Value) -> V) -> [V]


Name Signature Function
- - <K, V: Equatable> (first: Dictionary<K, V>, second: Dictionary<K, V>) -> Dictionary<K, V> Difference
& & <K, V: Equatable> (first: Dictionary<K, V>, second: Dictionary<K, V>) -> Dictionary<K, V> Intersection
| | <K, V: Equatable> (first: Dictionary<K, V>, second: Dictionary<K, V>) -> Dictionary<K, V> Union


Examples in the Wiki

Instance Methods

Name Signatures
cast cast <OutType> () -> [OutType]
flatten flatten <OutType> () -> [OutType]
flattenAny flattenAny () -> [AnyObject]


The following operations can be performed on sequences and are evaluated lazily. Each operation only takes the data it requires from the source sequence in order to return its result.

The Sequence protocol cannot be extended, hence the following are extensions to SequenceOf. They can be used as follows:

var source: Sequence = ...
var filteredSequence = SequenceOf(source).filter { ... }

Instance Methods

Name Signatures
first first () -> T?
any any (call: (T) -> Bool) -> Bool
get get (index: Int) -> T?
get get (range: Range<Int>) -> SequenceOf<T>
indexOf indexOf <U: Equatable> (item: U) -> Int?
filter filter(include: (T) -> Bool) -> SequenceOf<T>
reject reject (exclude: (T -> Bool)) -> SequenceOf<T>
skipWhile skipWhile(condition:(T) -> Bool) -> SequenceOf<T>
skip skip (n:Int) -> SequenceOf<T>
contains contains<T:Equatable> (item: T) -> Bool
take take (n:Int) -> SequenceOf<T>
takeWhile takeWhile (condition:(T?) -> Bool) -> SequenceOf<T>


Examples in the Wiki

Instance Methods

Name Signature
abs abs () -> Double
sqrt sqrt () -> Double
round round () -> Double
ceil ceil () -> Double
floor floor () -> Double
clamp clamp (min: Double, _ max: Double) -> Double
roundToNearest roundToNearest(increment: Double) -> Double

Class Methods

Name Signatures
random random(min: Double = 0, max: Double) -> Double



Name Signatures
year Int
month Int
weekday Int
weekMonth Int
days Int
hours Int
minutes Int
seconds Int

Instance Methods

Name Signatures
add add(seconds:Int=0, minutes:Int = 0, hours:Int = 0, days:Int = 0, weeks:Int = 0, months:Int = 0, years:Int = 0) -> NSDate
addSeconds addSeconds (seconds:Int) -> NSDate
addMinutes addMinutes (minute:Int) -> NSDate
addHours addHours(hours:Int) -> NSDate
addDays addDays(days:Int) -> NSDate
addWeeks addWeeks(weeks:Int) -> NSDate
addMonths addMonths(months:Int) -> NSDate
addYears addYears(years:Int) -> NSDate
isAfter isAfter(date: NSDate) -> Bool
isBefore isBefore(date: NSDate) -> Bool
getComponent getComponent (component : NSCalendarUnit) -> Int


Name Signatures
== ==(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool
< <(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool
> >(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool
<= <=(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool
>= >=(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool
== ==(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool


Examples in the Wiki

Class Methods

Name Signatures
after after <P, T> (n: Int, function: P -> T) -> (P -> T?)
func after <T> (n: Int, function: () -> T) -> (() -> T?)
once once <P, T> (function: P -> T) -> (P -> T?)
once <T> (call: Void -> T) -> (Void -> T?)
partial partial <P, T> (function: (P...) -> T, _ parameters: P...) -> ((P...) -> T?)
bind bind <P, T> (function: (P...) -> T, _ parameters: P...) -> (() -> T)
cached cached <P, R> (function: P -> R) -> (P -> R)
cached <P, R> (function: (P...) -> R) -> ((P...) -> R)
cached <P, R> (function: (P...) -> R, hash: ((P...) -> P)) -> ((P...) -> R)


Name Signatures
<=> <=> <T: Comparable>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Int

To Do

  • Wiki
  • Xcode project for both iOS & OS X
  • Review code comments
  • Example project
  • Installation instructions
  • Benchmark


A set of Swift extensions for standard types and classes.



Language:Swift 99.3%Language:Ruby 0.4%Language:C++ 0.3%