lelexxx / uframework

A PHP Micro Framework that embeds a web application, and a REST API. This is an academic project for the PHP course taught by Julien Muetton, and William Durand.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Test it

You can test it with php server embed like with this command : php -S localhost:8080 -t /

How to use uframework ?

UFramework is a simple framework wich work without database. In fact datas are store in a JSON file in the folder "/data".

JSON file

In order to use uframework with JSON you have to respect this syntaxe in your JSON file :

{ "articles": [ { "id": "ID_ARTICLE", "name": "NAME_ARTICLE", "description": "DESCRIPTION_ARTICLE" } ] }


UFramework comes with a frontend application to viewing articles, and a backend application to manage content.


The test part is not functional


A PHP Micro Framework that embeds a web application, and a REST API. This is an academic project for the PHP course taught by Julien Muetton, and William Durand.


Language:PHP 98.6%Language:Hack 1.4%