leleuj / vertx-pac4j

Java multi protocols (CAS, OAuth, OpenID, SAML, HTTP...) client for Vertx framework (based on pac4j)

Home Page:http://www.pac4j.org

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Pac4j module for Vert.x Build Status

vertx-pac4j is a Profile & Authentication Client, it's a general security library to authenticate users, get their profiles, manage their authorizations in order to secure Vert.x web applications.

Supported authentication methods

Although pac4j historically targets external authentication protocols, it supports direct authentication methods as well. See the authentication flows.

External/stateful authentication protocols

  1. From the client application, save the requested url and redirect the user to the identity provider for authentication (HTTP 302)
  2. After a successful authentication, redirect back the user from the identity provider to the client application (HTTP 302) and get the user credentials
  3. With these credentials, get the profile of the authenticated user (direct call from the client application to the identity provider)
  4. Redirect the user to the originally requested url and allow or disallow the access.

Supported protocols are:

  1. OAuth (1.0 & 2.0)
  2. CAS (1.0, 2.0, SAML, logout & proxy)
  3. HTTP (form & basic auth authentications)
  4. OpenID
  5. SAML (2.0)
  6. Google App Engine UserService
  7. OpenID Connect 1.0

Example of the CAS flow

Stateless authentication protocols (REST operations)

The current HTTP request contains the required credentials to validate the user identity and retrieve his profile. It works from a basic authentication.

It relies on specific Authenticator to validate user credentials and ProfileCreator to create user profiles.

Providers supported

ProviderProtocolMaven dependencyClient classProfile class
CAS serverCASpac4j-casCasClient & CasProxyReceptorCasProfile
CAS server using OAuth WrapperOAuth 2.0pac4j-oauthCasOAuthWrapperClientCasOAuthWrapperProfile
DropBoxOAuth 1.0pac4j-oauthDropBoxClientDropBoxProfile
FacebookOAuth 2.0pac4j-oauthFacebookClientFacebookProfile
GitHubOAuth 2.0pac4j-oauthGitHubClientGitHubProfile
GoogleOAuth 2.0pac4j-oauthGoogle2ClientGoogle2Profile
LinkedInOAuth 1.0 & 2.0pac4j-oauthLinkedInClient & LinkedIn2ClientLinkedInProfile & LinkedIn2Profile
TwitterOAuth 1.0pac4j-oauthTwitterClientTwitterProfile
Windows LiveOAuth 2.0pac4j-oauthWindowsLiveClientWindowsLiveProfile
WordPressOAuth 2.0pac4j-oauthWordPressClientWordPressProfile
YahooOAuth 1.0pac4j-oauthYahooClientYahooProfile
PayPalOAuth 2.0pac4j-oauthPayPalClientPayPalProfile
VkOAuth 2.0pac4j-oauthVkClientVkProfile
FoursquareOAuth 2.0pac4j-oauthFoursquareClientFoursquareProfile
BitbucketOAuth 1.0pac4j-oauthBitbucketClientBitbucketProfile
ORCiDOAuth 2.0pac4j-oauthOrcidClientOrcidProfile
StravaOAuth 2.0pac4j-oauthStravaClientStravaProfile
Web sites with basic auth authenticationHTTPpac4j-httpBasicAuthClientHttpProfile
Web sites with form authenticationHTTPpac4j-httpFormClientHttpProfile
Google - DeprecatedOpenIDpac4j-openidGoogleOpenIdClientGoogleOpenIdProfile
SAML Identity ProviderSAML 2.0pac4j-samlSaml2ClientSaml2Profile
Google App Engine User ServiceGae User Service Mechanismpac4j-gaeGaeUserServiceClientGaeUserServiceProfile
OpenID Connect ProviderOpenID Connect 1.0pac4j-oidcOidcClientOidcProfile

Technical description

vertx-pac4j consists of two maven modules:

Pac4j Manager Module

This is the pac4j manager module that allows an easy integration to all pac4j supported authentication providers (OAuth, Facebook, Twitter, CAS, SAML...).

In order to facilitate the communication between your application verticles and the module, some Java helper classes are provided (see [Pac4j Vertx Helper](#Pac4j Vertx Helper). Feel free to develop and submit helpers in other Vert.x supported languages.

A stateful authentication process requires an http session, we suggest you then to use the excellent session-manager from campudus.

You can look at a complete integration example in the pac4j vertx demo app.


When using a stateful authentication mechanism (OAuth, CAS...), this busmod requires some session mechanism like the session-manager from campudus.


The module name is org.pac4j~vertx-pac4j-module~1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.


This busmod takes the following configuration:

    "address": <address>,
    "ebConverter": <event bus object converter class>,
    "clientsConfig": {
        "callbackUrl": <callbackUrl>,
        "clients": {

For example:

    "address": "vertx.pac4j-manager",
    "clientsConfig": {
        "callbackUrl": "http://localhost:8080/callback",
        "clients": {
            "facebook": {
                "class": "org.pac4j.oauth.client.FacebookClient",
                "props": {
                    "key": "145278422258960",
                    "secret": "be21409ba8f39b5dae2a7de525484da8"

Let's take a look at each field in turn:

  • address The main address for the busmod. Optional field. Default value is vertx.pac4j-manager
  • ebConverter The class of the event bus object converter required to exchange session attributes and user profile between the application verticles and the pac4j manager module (see [Serialization Methods](#Serialization Methods)). Optional field. Default value is the Java Serialization converter
  • clientsConfig contains two fields: the pac4j callback url and the clients list.
  • clients each pair describes how to configure one pac4j client. A client has a class and a list of props. The props relies on the setter methods of the client. In the previous example, key indicates that the corresponding value will be set on the FacebookClient object with the method setKey.


The following operations relies on a common object representing the context of the current http request: the webcontext. The web context must have the following structure:

    "method": <http method>, (GET, POST...)
    "serverName": <server name>, (localhost)
    "serverPort": <server port>, (8080)
    "fullUrl": <full url>, (http://localhost:8080/index.html)
    "scheme": <scheme>, (http)
    "headers": <headers>, ( { "Host": "localhost:8080" } )
    "parameters": <parameters>, ( { "ids": ["foo", "bar"] } )
    "sessionAttributes": <session attributes> ( { "userId": "foobar" } )

The parameters are multi-valued and must contain GET and POST urlencoded parameters if any. The sessionAttributes is a list of the attributes stored in session; they must be serialized in some way (see [Serialization Methods](#Serialization Methods)).


Redirect to the given authentication provider.

To redirect, send a JSON message to the address given by the main address of the busmod + .redirect. For example if the main address is test.pac4jManager, you send the message to test.pac4jManager.redirect.

The JSON message should have the following structure:

    "clientName": <clientName>, ("FacebookClient")
    "protected": <protected>, (true)
    "isAjax": <isAjax>, (false)
    "webContext": <webContext>

If redirect is successful a reply will be returned:

    "status": "ok",
    "code": <response code>, (302)
    "headers": <response headers>, ( { "Location": "http://foobar" } )
    "content": <response content>, ( "hello foobar" )
    "sessionAttributes": <all session attributes>

This message has to be used to build the http response and update the session attributes.

Redirect Urls

Build redirect urls for being authenticated by the required providers.

To login, send a JSON message to the address given by the main address of the busmod + .redirectUrls.

The JSON message should have the following structure:

    "clients": <clients list>, ( ["FacebookClient", "TwitterClient"] )
    "webContext": <webContext>

If getting the redirect urls is successful the following reply will be returned:

    "status": "ok",
    <Client Name>: <redirect url>,
    "sessionAttributes": <all session attributes>


Authenticate the current request.

To authenticate, send a JSON message to the address given by the main address of the busmod + .authenticate.

The JSON message should have the following structure:

    "webContext": <webContext>

If the authentication information in the web context are valid the following reply will be returned:

    "status": "ok",
    "userProfile": <user profile>, ( { "id": "foobar"} )
    "code": <response code>, (302)
    "headers": <response headers>, ( { "Location": "http://foobar" } )
    "content": <response content>, ( "hello foobar" )
    "sessionAttributes": <all session attributes>

Where userProfile is a Json Object representing the authenticated user; it must be serialized in some way (see [Serialization Methods](#Serialization Methods)).

Serialization Methods

The Vert.x architecture requires some objects to be (de)serialized between the front verticles serving the HTTP requests and the pac4j manager module. These objects are the session attributes and the User Profile. By default, a serialization based on Jackson is used (org.pac4j.vertx.DefaultEventBusObjectConverter). In order to pass in a custom converter, add the ebConverter parameter to the pac4j manager module:

    "ebConverter": "org.pac4j.vertx.MyCustomObjectConverter"

Pac4j Vertx Helper

In order to facilitate the integration with the pac4j manager busmod, you can use the Pac4j Vertx Helper module.


Import the following dependency in your Vertx project:


Main Classes

  • org.pac4j.vertx.Pac4jHelper this class has methods to send messages to the busmod based on the HttpServerRequest object
  • org.pac4j.vertx.AuthHttpServerRequest this class wraps a standard HttpServerRequest object and allows to attach the current User Profile. This is useful in the handlers behind the RequiresAuthenticationHandler in order to retrieve the User Profile
  • org.pac4j.vertx.handlers.HandlerHelper this class allows to detect a form POST request and forward to the next handler when the data are available. It is recommended to add this handler at the root of your server if you target to use form based authentication or SAML
  • org.pac4j.vertx.handlers.RequiresAuthenticationHandler this class encapsulates another handler. It forwards the request to the handler if the user is already authenticated or redirects the user to the authentication provider otherwise
  • org.pac4j.vertx.handlers.CallbackHandler this class finishes the authentication process if stateful, by validating the authentication information (e.g. a form with username and password) and storing the user profile in session
  • org.pac4j.vertx.handlers.LogoutHandler this class removes the user profile from the session

The last three classes inherit from the org.pac4j.vertx.handlers.SessionAwareHandler which uses a modified version of the session-manager helper from campudus.

Integration example

Stateful application

Start the required modules and verticles:

public class Pac4jDemo extends Verticle {
public void start() {
    // deploy session manager
    // deploy pac4j manager
    container.deployModule("org.pac4j~vertx-pac4j-module~1.1.0-SNAPSHOT", container.config()
    // deploy main verticle

Define the application verticle:

public class DemoServerVerticle extends Verticle {
public void start() {

    // build session and pac4j helpers
    SessionHelper sessionHelper = new SessionHelper(vertx);
    Pac4jHelper pac4jHelper = new Pac4jHelper(vertx);

    RouteMatcher rm = new RouteMatcher();
    // the route '/facebook/index.html' requires an authentication and facebook will be used
    rm.get("/facebook/index.html", new RequiresAuthenticationHandler("FacebookClient", new Handler(),
            pac4jHelper, sessionHelper));
    // register the callback handler
    Handler<HttpServerRequest> callback = new CallbackHandler(pac4jHelper, sessionHelper);
    rm.get("/callback", callback);
    rm.post("/callback", callback);
    // index page
    rm.get("/", new Handler());

    vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(HandlerHelper.addFormParsing(rm)).listen(8080, "localhost");

Stateless application

Start the required modules and verticles:

public class Pac4jDemo extends Verticle {
public void start() {
    // deploy pac4j manager
    container.deployModule("org.pac4j~vertx-pac4j-module~1.1.0-SNAPSHOT", container.config()
    // deploy main verticle

Define the application verticle:

public class DemoRestServerVerticle extends Verticle {

public void start() {

    Pac4jHelper pac4jHelper = new Pac4jHelper(vertx);

    RouteMatcher rm = new RouteMatcher();

    rm.get("/", new RequiresAuthenticationHandler("BasicAuthClient", new DemoHandlers.AuthenticatedJsonHandler(),
            pac4jHelper, true));

    vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(rm).listen(8080, "localhost");




Java multi protocols (CAS, OAuth, OpenID, SAML, HTTP...) client for Vertx framework (based on pac4j)



Language:Java 100.0%