leithaus / SLMC-Scala-Port

Scala port of the SLMC

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The ast package is broken into five sub-packages:

  1. Pi Calculus - Core language for process descriptions

  2. Modal Logic - Core language for process specifications

  3. SLMC Statements - Top level language for populating the SLMC environment

  4. SLMC Responses - Enumeration of responses to SLMC Statements

  5. Conversation Calculus - Alternative to the Pi Calculus. Compiled back into Pi Calculus at runtime.

The packages are named pc, ml, ss, sr, and cc respectively.

Due to name collisions, it is recommended to import each package with it's qualifying name

##Data Types##

Following are the AST abstract/case classes (in some kind of mongrel shorthand)

###Pi Calculus###

type PiCalculus
 = Void
 | Parallel(PiCalculus, PiCalculus)
 | Sum(PiCalculus, PiCalculus)
 | New(List[String], PiCalculus)
 | Action(ActionType, PiCalculus)
 | Test(String, String, PiCalculus, TestType)
 | Variable(String, List[String])
and ActionType
 = Input(String, List[String])
 | Output(String, List[String])
and TestType = Equals | Differs

###Modal Logic###

type ModalLogic
 = True 
 | False 
 | Void 
 | Compare(Integer, ComparisonType) 
 | Equal(String, String) 
 | NotEqual(String, String) 
 | Compose(ModalLogic, ModalLogic) 
 | Decompose(ModalLogic, ModalLogic) 
 | Not(ModalLogic) 
 | And(ModalLogic, ModalLogic) 
 | Or(ModalLogic, ModalLogic) 
 | Implies(ModalLogic, ModalLogic) 
 | Equivalent(ModalLogic, ModalLogic) 
 | Reveal(String, ModalLogic) 
 | RevealAll(String, ModalLogic) 
 | Fresh(String, ModalLogic) 
 | Free(String) 
 | Hidden(String, ModalLogic) 
 | MayTau(ModalLogic) 
 | AllTau(ModalLogic) 
 | MayLabelled(Label, ModalLogic) 
 | AllLabelled(Label, ModalLogic) 
 | MayOutputN(String, ModalLogic) 
 | MayInputN(String, ModalLogic) 
 | AllOutputN(String, ModalLogic) 
 | AllInputN(String, ModalLogic) 
 | MayOutput(ModalLogic) 
 | MayInput(ModalLogic) 
 | AllOutput(ModalLogic) 
 | AllInput(ModalLogic) 
 | MayN(String, ModalLogic) 
 | AllN(String, ModalLogic) 
 | May(ModalLogic) 
 | All(ModalLogic) 
 | Exists(String, ModalLogic) 
 | ForAll(String, ModalLogic) 
 | MaximumFixpoint(String, List[String], ModalLogic, List[String]) 
 | MinimumFixpoint(String, List[String], ModalLogic, List[String]) 
 | Eventually(ModalLogic) 
 | Always(ModalLogic) 
 | Inside(ModalLogic) 
 | ShowFails(ModalLogic) 
 | ShowSucceeds(ModalLogic) 
 | PropositionVariable(String, List[String]) 
 | Abbreviate(String, List[ModalLogic])
and Label
 = Output(String, List[String])
 | Input(String, List[String])
and ComparisonType = EqNum | GtNum | LtNum

###SLMC Statement###

type SLMCStatement
 = Pass
 | Help
 | ListParameters
 | Clear
 | PrintProcesses
 | ShowProcess(String)
 | DefineCCProcess(String, List[String], ConversationCalculus)
 | DefinePiProcesses(List[String], List[List[String]], List[PiCalculus])
 | PrintPropositions
 | ShowProposition(String)
 | DefineProposition(String, List[String], List[String], ModalLogic)
 | Check(String, List[String], ModalLogic)
 | PrintCheckCounter
 | DefineCheckCounter(Boolean)
 | PrintDirectory
 | ChangeDirectory(String)
 | PrintMaxThreads
 | DefineMaxThreads(Integer)
 | PrintPropositions
 | PrintShowTime
 | DefineShowTime(Boolean)
 | PrintTrace
 | DefineTrace(Boolean)
 | Done

###SLMC Response###

type SLMCResponse
 = Fail(String)
 | ParseError(String)
 | IllFormedAst(String)
 | UnguardedRecursion(String)
 | MaxThreads(String)
 | UndeclaredIdentifier(String)
 | WrongArguments(String)
 | WrongArgumentCount(String)
 | OK(String)
 | CheckComplete(Boolean, String)

###Conversation Calculus###

type ConversationCalculus
 = Inaction
 | Parallel(ConversationCalculus, ConversationCalculus)
 | Sum(List[ConversationCalculus])
 | Context(String, ConversationCalculus)
 | This(String, ConversationCalculus)
 | Action(ActionType, ConversationCalculus)
 | Definition(String, ConversationCalculus)
 | New(String, String, ConversationCalculus)
 | Join(String, String, ConversationCalculus)
 | Variable(String, List[String])
 | IfThenElse(ConversationCalculus, ConversationCalculus)
and ActionType
 = Input(Direction, String, List[String])
 | Output(Direction, String, List[String])
and Direction = Here | Up

#Class Summary#

##The Important Ones##


 - installConversationCalculus: (String, List[String], ConversationCalculus) => SLMC 
 - installPiProcesses: (List[String], List[List[String]], List[PiCalculus]) => SLMC
 - installProposition: (String, List[String], ModalLogic) => SLMC
 - showProcess: String => String
 - showProcesses: String
 - showProposition: String => String
 - showPropositions: String

SLMC represents the environment in which SLMC programs are evaluated. It is immutable; Each destructive command returns a new SLMC environment. SLMC is passed as an argument to Checker, along with the process name being checked.


 - apply: (SLMC, SLMCStatement) => (SLMC, SLMCResponse)

Evaluator encapsulates the function responsible for executing SLMC statements. It takes as arguments, an SLMC environment and and SLMC statement, returning a new environment and response as it's result.


 - checkCounter: Int
 - maxThreads: Int
 - showCheckCounter: Boolean
 - showTime: Boolean
 - showTrace: Boolean
 - timeout: Duration
 - check: (SLMC, String, List[String], ModalLogic) => (Boolean, String)

checkCounter increments each time check is called, by the user or by sub-calls from check itself.

maxThreads is an arbitrary cap on the parallel size of a process being checked, doesn't reflect any true application parallelism, is set arbitrarily high and should be removed.

showCheckCounter determines if checkCounter is printed during evaluation.

showTime determines if the duration of the check should be printed after the check completes.

showTrace determines if extra details of the check should be printed during the check.

timeout determines how long Checker should try to solve a given assertion before failing with CheckerTimedOut.

check takes as its arguments an SLMC environment, the name of a process in that environment, the process arguments, and the Modal Logic proposition the process should check against.

It returns true if the process satisfies the proposition, as well as a response string to print to the console.


 - SLMCScript: String => SLMCScript
 - evaluate: SLMC => (SLMC, String)
 - save: String => Unit
 - show: Unit => String

 - fromString: Unit => SLMCScript

The constructor loads a script from a given filename

evaluate takes a (possibly prepared) SLMC environment and returns an updated environment and the aggregated responses.

save saves this script to a file.

show returns a string representation of this file

fromString is static, taking a sequence of strings as a command and returning a new SLMCScript.

SLMCScript extends SeqProxy[SLMCStatement], and so inherits all of the useful Seq functions (such as ++ and filter)

##Other Classes##


 - hasNext: Boolean
 - next: SLMCStatement

 - fromStdin: Unit => Parser
 - fromFile: String => Parser
 - fromInputStream: InputStream => Parser
 - fromString: String => Parser

Parser extends Iterator[SLMCStatement], so it can be used in for-comprehensions.

Parsers can be built from stdin, files, input streams, and strings, by using the appropriate factory methods.



  • Maven
  • Scala

##Launching the Toplevel##

> mvn package
> mvn scala:console
  • Document in progress as of 12:35PM, 11/11/2013 *


Scala port of the SLMC


Language:OCaml 40.6%Language:Java 31.2%Language:Scala 28.2%