leissa / dimpl

dependently typed imperative language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:leissa/dimpl.git
cd dimpl
mkdir build
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build -j $(nproc)


(* binders *)
b = [ID ":"] e                                          (* id binder *)
  | "[" b "," ... "," b "]"                             (* sigma binder *)

(* patterns *)
p = ["mut"] ID [":" e]                                  (* id pattern *)
  | T                                                   (* tuple pattern *)

T = "(" p "," ... "," p ")";                            (* tuple pattern *)

(* nominals *)
n = "nom" ID ":" e "=" e                                (* nom nominal *)
  | "struct" ID T* "=" e                                (* struct *)
  | "trait"  ID T* "=" e                                (* trait *)
  | "λ"  ID T+ ["->" e] ("=" e | B)                     (* λ  nominal *)
  | "fn" ID T+ ["->" e] ("=" e | B)                     (* fn nominal *)
  | "cn" ID T+          ("=" e | B)                     (* cn nominal *)

(* statements *)
s = n                                                   (* nominal statement *)
  | "let" p "=" e ";"                                   (* let statement *)
  | e A_OP e ";"                                        (* assignment statement *)
  | e ";"                                               (* expression statement *)

(* expressions *)
e = ID
  | PRE_OP e                                            (* prefix expression *)
  | e IN_OP e                                           (*  infix expression *)
  | e POST_OP                                           (* postix expression *)
  | "[" b "," ... "," b "]"                             (* sigma *)
  | "(" [ID "="] e "," ... "," [ID "="] e")" [":" e]    (* tuple *)
  | e "." ID                                            (* field *)
  | "«" p "," ... "," p ";" e "»"                       (* array *)
  | "" p "," ... "," p ";" e ""                       (* pack *)
  | ""  b "->" e                                       (**)
  | "Fn" b "->" e                                       (* Fn *)
  | "Cn" b                                              (* Cn *)
  | "λ"  p "," ... "," p ["->" e] ("=" e | B)           (* λ  *)
  | "fn" p "," ... "," p ["->" e] ("=" e | B)           (* fn *)
  | "cn" p "," ... "," p          ("=" e | B)           (* cn *)
  | e  "[" e "]"                                        (* direct-style application *)
  | e "!(" e ")"                                        (* cn application *)
  | e  "(" e ")"                                        (* fn application *)
  | "if" e B ["else" B]                                 (* if *)
  | "match" e "{" p "=>" e "," ... "," p "=>" e "}"     (* match *)
  | "while" e B                                         (* while *)
  | "for" p "," ... "," p "in" B                        (* for *)
  | B                                                   (* block *)

B = "{" s ... s [ e ] "}";                              (* block expression *)



Ambiguities in the grammar are resolved as follows:

  • A statement beginning with λ, fn, cn is a nominal statement.
  • TODO


Precedence is dissolved as follows from strongest to lowest:

  • Postfix operators (left-to-right)
  • Prefix operators
  • Infix operators (see below for complete table)

Prefix Expressions

Expression Desugared
+e todo
-e todo
*e todo
&e todo
++e todo
--e todo

Infix Expressions

Assignment Desugared
e1 + e2 Add.typeof[e1]].add(e1, e2)
e1 - e2 Sub[typeof[e1]].sub(e1, e2)
e1 * e2 Mul[typeof[e1]].mul(e1, e2)
e1 / e2 Div[typeof[e1]].div(e1, e2)
e1 % e2 Mod[typeof[e1]].mod(e1, e2)
e1 >> e2 Shr[typeof[e1]].shr(e1, e2)
e1 << e2 Shl[typeof[e1]].shl(e1, e2)
e1 | e2 Bitor [typeof[e1]].bitor (e1, e2)
e1 & e2 Bitand[typeof[e1]].bitand(e1, e2)
e1 ^ e2 Bitxor[typeof[e1]].bitxor(e1, e2)
e1 == e2 Eq[typeof[e1]].eq(e1, e2)
e1 != e2 Ne[typeof[e1]].ne(e1, e2)
e1 < e2 Lt[typeof[e1]].lt(e1, e2)
e1 <= e2 Le[typeof[e1]].le(e1, e2)
e1 > e2 Gt[typeof[e1]].gt(e1, e2)
e1 >= e2 Ge[typeof[e1]].ge(e1, e2)

Postfix Expressions


Nominal Statement

Let Statement

Assignment Statement

Unlike many other languages, assignments are not expressions but statements.

The assignment e_l = e_r assigns the r-value of e_r to the l-value of e_l. All other assignments are syntactic sugar. The following tables sums up all possibilities:

Assignment Desugared
e_l += e_r; e_l = e_l + e_r;
e_l -= e_r; e_l = e_l - e_r;
e_l *= e_r; e_l = e_l * e_r;
e_l /= e_r; e_l = e_l / e_r;
e_l %= e_r; e_l = e_l % e_r;
e_l >>= e_r; e_l = e_l >> e_r;
e_l <<= e_r; e_l = e_l << e_r;
e_l |= e_r; e_l = e_l | e_r;
e_l &= e_r; e_l = e_l & e_r;
e_l ^= e_r; e_l = e_l ^ e_r;

Expression Statement


dependently typed imperative language

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 86.2%Language:CMake 11.8%Language:Vim Script 2.0%