CLI like phpipam client for showing networks, vlans and sections.
URL of phpipam (ie 'http://phpipam.asd.fg') and AppID defined in API Settings will have to be set in the script.
Authentication can then either be as a dialogue (user will be asked) or can be set up in the script too. The dialogue supports User&Pass and "AppCode" for authentication. To use an Appcode, leave the username blank.
following Python modules are used
- urllib3
- argparse
- logging
- requests
- ipaddress
- json
- getpass
Custom fields can be added to output too (will add an example in extra file)
python3 show network
python3 show section lab
python3 show vlan 10
- show
- network
Example: show network
show network custom (shows custom fields for subnets) - vlan Example: show vlan 1929
- ip
Example: show ip
show ip all (use careful!) - section
Example: show section 1
show section LAB - nameservers
Example: show nameservers (shows all)
show nameservers 1 (id, can be obtained by "show nameservers") - custom
- network
- search
- host Example search host fw.asd.fg
- set
- set network (id or cidr subnet) nameservers (id)
- set network (id or cidr subnet) type (type-value) (example custom field for categorizing network object)
(if no Auth information are defined in script file, you will be asked for User /Password. For App Code authentication leave the user blank and enter the code as password)
Possible too: Setting URL, AppID, App Code as argument: python3 --verbose --appid pyipamclient --key fcvg32jr3b4rfr43frfrgdgdfg --url http://phpipam.asd.fg show network
If found, output:
Network found, details below:
Description: servers
Nameservers: ns_servers {}
Master Subnet: master
VLan (VLan Name): 10 (192.168.10/servers)
L2 Domain: L2Domain
Link: http://phpipam.asd.fg/subnets/5/7
Section(s) found, details below:
Section Name: LAB
Description: None
Master Section: My_Own_Sections
Section DNS: None
Last Change: None
Subnets: 1 servers
Link: http://phpipam.asd.fg/subnets/5
VLAN(s) found, details below:
Section: LAB
Customer: None
Vlan ID: 3
L2 Domain: L2Domain
Name: 192.168.10/servers
Description: None
linked subnet:
Description: servers
Link: http://phpipam.asd.fg/subnets/5/7
Link: http://phpipam.asd.fg/vlan/3
- vlan /network creation
- more examples for custom fields