leia-uwu / vite-spritesheet-plugin

Another Spritesheet plugin, this time for vite.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Generate large spritesheets to save on network. Supports SVG, PNG, JPEG.

Output files are rasterized as PNG or JPEG.


Include this in your Vite plugin configuration.


Configuration options are as follows:

interface PluginOptions {
     * List of patterns to search for assets
    patterns: {
        * Root directory to search for assets.
        rootDir: string
        *  Glob expression to match assets.
        *  @default *.{png,gif,jpg,bmp,tiff,svg}
        glob?: string

    options?: Partial<{
        * Format of the output image
        * @default "png"
        outputFormat: "png" | "jpeg"

        * Output directory
        * @default "atlases"
        outDir: string

        * Added pixels between sprites (can prevent pixels leaking to adjacent sprite)
        * @default 1
        margin: number

        * Remove file extensions from the atlas frames
        * @default false
        removeExtensions: boolean

        * The Maximum width and height a generated image can be
        * Once a spritesheet exceeds this size a new one will be created
        * @default 4096
        maximumSize: number

        * maxrects-packer options
        * See https://soimy.github.io/maxrects-packer/
        * Currently does not support `allowRotation` option
        packerOptions: Omit<IOption, "allowRotation">

Then to import the spritesheets, use

import { atlases } from "virtual:spritesheets-jsons";

Example usage with pixi.js

import { Texture, Spritesheet, Sprite } from "pixi.js";
import { atlases } from "virtual:spritesheets-jsons";

const textures: Record<string, Texture> = {};

for (const atlas of atlases) {
    const texture = await Texture.fromURL(atlas.meta.image);
    const spriteSheet = new Spritesheet(texture, atlas);
    await spriteSheet.parse();

    for (const frame in spriteSheet.textures) {
        textures[frame] = spriteSheet.textures[frame];

const sprite = new Sprite(textures["file_name"]);


Another Spritesheet plugin, this time for vite.

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 100.0%