leggedrobotics / open3d_slam

Pointcloud-based graph SLAM written in C++ using open3D library.

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Problem build open3d_slam_lua_io

Cavalletta98 opened this issue · comments

Hi, i'm getting this error when try to build on ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic

Schermata del 2023-10-13 17-13-53

Do you know why?

Did you install lua?
sudo apt install liblua5.2-dev

The instructions are here:

Yes,i did. I followed all the steps

I can't reproduce this issue on noetic and ubuntu 20.04.

What are you trying to build here? Are you able to build open3d_slam alone?
catkin build open3d_slam

Your error message indicates that it can't find the header file of open3d_slam. If this does not work I would propse cleaning the workspace catkin clean and then building it again catkin build open3d_slam_ros.

I'm able to build open3d_slam alone but not open3d_slam_ros

Is it possible that something is wrong with your catkin workspace?
Because the file which is not found exists here.

And it is up to catkin to add it to your include paths and hence, to be able to find it within another catkin package, as it is included in the CMakeLists.txt here.