legend91325 / k8s-exercise

k8s exercise

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


k8s exercise


[cncf-ckad]https://www.cncf.io/certification/ckad/ faq-ckad tips-ckad 注册考试码


CKAD-exercises ckad-prep

# https://www.wiic.top/05/vim%E5%86%99yaml%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%E7%9A%84%E5%8F%82%E6%95%B0/
vim ~/.vimrc
autocmd FileType yaml setlocal et ai ts=2 sw=2
kubectl explain pod.spec.containers.livenessProbe
echo -n YWRtaW4= | base64 -d
# killer.sh suggest
alias k=kubectl                         # will already be pre-configured

export do="--dry-run=client -o yaml"    # k get pod x $do

export now="--force --grace-period 0"   # k delete pod x $now

grep -i 
kubectl -n 
base64 -d
grep -A2
vim ~/.vimrc

set tabstop=2
set expandtab
set shiftwidth=2

To indent multiple lines using vim you should set the shiftwidth using :set shiftwidth=2. Then mark multiple lines using Shift v and the up/down keys. To then indent the marked lines press > or < and to repeat the action press .

k -n pluto expose pod -h # help

k -n pluto expose pod project-plt-6cc-api --name project-plt-6cc-svc --port 3333 --target-port 80

k -n pluto delete pod holy-api --force --grace-period=0
sudo docker build -t registry.killer.sh:5000/sun-cipher:latest -t registry.killer.sh:5000/sun-cipher:v1-docker .

sudo docker image ls

sudo docker push registry.killer.sh:5000/sun-cipher:latest

sudo docker push registry.killer.sh:5000/sun-cipher:v1-docker
podman build -t registry.killer.sh:5000/sun-cipher:v1-podman .

podman image ls

podman push registry.killer.sh:5000/sun-cipher:v1-podman

podman run -d --name sun-cipher registry.killer.sh:5000/sun-cipher:v1-podman

podman ps

podman ps > /opt/course/11/containers

podman logs sun-cipher > /opt/course/11/logspodman logs sun-cipher
k -f /opt/course/14/secret-handler.yaml delete --force --grace-period=0
k -f /opt/course/14/secret-handler-new.yaml create

k -f /opt/course/14/secret-handler-new.yaml replace --force --grace-period=0
k -n moon rollout restart deploy web-moon

# specify container name in pod
k -n mercury logs cleaner-576967576c-cqtgx -c logger-con

# sh -c 

Though Pods are usually never created without a Deployment or ReplicaSet, Services always select for Pods directly. This gives great flexibility because Pods could be created through various customized ways.

wget -O- -T 5 www.google.de:80 


k8s exercise


Language:Shell 96.1%Language:Python 3.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%