leeway64 / LWWordCounter

C++ application that analyzes the frequency of words in a text file

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


License: MIT GitHub release (latest by date)

LWWordCounter is an application that displays the frequency of words from a text file. It also summarizes several statistics for that file, such as the most popular word and the total number of words. Finally, LWWordCounter serializes this summary into either UBJSON or BSON.

The Deserializer Python class is provided to deserialize this summary data. For more information on using the Deserializer, refer to this page.


git clone https://github.com/leeway64/LWWordCounter.git
cd LWWordCounter
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=ninja -G Ninja -S . -B ./cmake-build-release
cmake --build ./cmake-build-release --target LWWordCounter
📝 Note
if the CMake output says that a certain package is locked by another concurrent conan process, wait..., then run conan remove -f <package_name>/<package_version> in the terminal.


Input is entered using a JSON file. Let's assume that the JSON file looks like this:

	"input_file_name": "../src/tests/test_files/moby_dick.txt",
			"minimum_occurrences": 900,
			"k_most_frequent_words": 5,
			"word_length_to_find": 4
	"serialization_format": "UBJSON"

This version of Moby Dick (by Herman Melville) was found on Project Gutenberg.

This JSON file is provided as an example in the bin folder.

Next, run LWWordCounter:

cd bin

After running the program, the console output will be:

Text file selected: ../src/tests/test_files/moby_dick.txt

File summary:
    Most popular word: the

    Longest word: uninterpenetratingly
    Shortest word: 0

    Number of words with length 4:	1359

    highest_frequency	14727
    unique_words	17342
    total_words	222673

    Top 5 words:
	a	4805
	and	6515
	of	6747
	the	14727
	to	4709

Minimum number of occurrences for printing: 900
Word frequencies:
    14727	the
    1069	him
    1770	with
    1644	for
    1545	all
    1066	so
    1822	s
    3100	that
    2532	his
    1064	be
    1443	this
    1333	at
    969	you
    6747	of
    6515	and
    1747	is
    4245	in
    1244	whale
    1105	from
    4805	a
    4709	to
    1752	as
    1180	not
    1822	but
    1232	by
    925	one
    2537	it
    1900	he
    2127	i
    1647	was
    1073	on

A summary of this text file has been serialized into moby_dick_serialized_summary.ubj

File has been analyzed and a summary has been serialized successfully

A summary of the file will also be serialized; the serialized file will be called [input text file]_serialized_summary.[serialization format].

Running Tests

LWWordCounter (C++) Tests

To run the C++ unit tests, make sure that the BuildTests option in CMakeLists.txt is set to ON.

Then, run the following commands:

cmake --build ./cmake-build-release --target WordCounter_Tests
cd bin

Deserializer (Python) Tests

Run the following commands in the root directory of this project.


    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install -U pip wheel setuptools
    pip install -r requirements.txt


    py -3 -m venv .venv
    pip install -U pip wheel setuptools
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Third-Party Tools

  • CMake (BSD-3-Clause): Build system generator.
  • Conan (MIT License): Package manager.
  • Catch2 (MIT License): Unit testing framework.
  • json (MIT License): json is a C++ JSON library.
  • {fmt} (MIT License): Formatting library.
  • json-schema-validator (MIT License): library for JSON schema validation.


C++ application that analyzes the frequency of words in a text file

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 77.6%Language:Python 14.8%Language:CMake 7.6%