led / mappy-breakpoints

Breakpoints with Maps

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Mappy Breakpoints, A Breakpoint Mixin that uses Sass Maps

Mappy Breakpoints is a breakpoint mixin I have hacked together to streamline web development when using a Sass map to hold the breakpoint plugin. Here's why I made this mixin

Here's a quick example. Say you a breakpoints map and you want to grab do a min-width query for small and max-width query for large.

$breakpoints: (
  'small': 320px,
  'large': 920px

@include mappy-bp(small large) {
  // stuff here

This will automatically create a media query plus convert it into em at the same time. It will also minus off 1px from the max-width query to ensure that your breakpoints don't overlap each other.

/* output */
@media all and (min-width: 20em) and (max-width: 57.4375em) {
  // stuff 


You can install mappy-breakpoints via Bower

bower install mappy-breakpoints --save 

Then import it in your stylesheet:

// scss
@import "path-to-bower_components/mappy-breakpoints/mappy-breakpoints";

Alternatively, you can download this mixin add import it directly into your stylesheet.


Mappy-breakpoints takes in 4 arguments. Only the first one is mandatory. The rest are optional and come with some defaults.

@import mappy-bp(<$queries>, [<$type>, <$query-fallback>, <$breakpoints>]) {
  // stuff here

Most of the time you'll only be working with the first argument. So let's take a deeper dive


Mappy-breakpoints focuses on three types of queries.

  1. width queries (min-width and max-width)
  2. height queries (min-height and max-height)
  3. The rest.

Width Queries

Width queries are the most common type of queries. You can call for width queries by simply entering the map key or the breakpoint.

Mappy breakpoints will also automatically convert the queries into the em.

If only one value is provided, mappy-breakpoints will produce a min-width query.

// Min Width Query 
// ---------------
@include mappy-bp(small) {
  // stuff

// Translates into 
@media all and (min-width: 20em) {
  // stuff 

If a two values are provided, mappy-breakpoints will produce a min-width and max-width query.

// Min Width And Max Width Query
// -----------------------------
@include mappy-bp(small 920px) {
  // stuff

// Translates into
@media all and (min-width: 20em) and (max-width: 57.4375em) {

If a max-width or max string is provided, mappy-breakpoints() will produce a max-width query.

// Max Width Query // ---------------

// You can also use max instead of max-width @include mappy-bp(max-width 320px) { // stuff

// Translates into @media all and (max-width: 19.9375em) { // stuff }

### Height Queries 

Height queries in Mappy Breakpoints are set up with the `h` or `height` string. The following two arguments will be exactly the same as width queries. The only difference is that they output `min-height` and `max-height`. 

It can use the same `$breakpoints` map as well. 

// Min Height Query 
// ---------------
@include mappy-bp(h small) {
  // stuff

// Translates into 
@media all and (min-height: 20em) {
  // stuff 

// Min Height And Max Height Query
// -----------------------------
@include mappy-bp(h small 920px) {
  // stuff

// Translates into
@media all and (min-height: 20em) and (max-height: 57.4375em) {

If a max-height or max string is provided, mappy-breakpoints() will produce a max-height query.

// Max Height Query // ---------------

// You can also use max instead of max-height @include mappy-bp(max-height 320px) { // stuff

// Translates into @media all and (max-height: 19.9375em) { // stuff }

### Other Queries 

Other queries can be written in a key value format, without the parenthesis or colon. 

@include mappy-bp(orientation portrait) {
  // stuff

// Translates into
@media all and (orientation: portrait) {
  // stuff

Using All 3 Types of queries together.

All 3 types of queries can be combined to form one complex query. Write it in order as follows:

  1. Width Queries
  2. Height Queries
  3. Other (key value) queries
@include mappy-bp(small large h 320px 920px orientation portrait) {
  // stuff

// Translates into
@media all and (min-width: 20em) and (max-width: 57.4375em) and (min-height: 20em) and (max-height: 57.4375em) and (orientation: portrait) {
  // stuff

Optional Arguments.

$type determines media-type. Any valid string can be used here. If type is set to print, then mappy-breakpoints will produce a print query.

@media print and.. {
  // stuff

$query-fallback provides an extra class for any browsers that do not support media queries (IE 8 I'm looking at you). Since most browsers support media queries now, this shouldn't be too much of a problem, but is still here incase someone needs it.

if $query-fallback is set to the 'ie8 string, then mappy breakpoints create produce an .ie8 class for the query.

.ie8 .selector {
  // stuff

Finally, $breakpoints determines which map to use for the width and height queries. It defaults to $breakpoints.



  • Changed media queries into em unit instead of rem unit


Breakpoints with Maps


Language:CSS 100.0%