lechnerc77 / AzureSimpleOrchestrationDurableEntity

Simple Orchestration of a Durable Entity

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Simple Azure Orchestration with Durable Entity


This code repository contains a simple HTTP-triggered Azure durable function orchestartor with a durable entity serving as a counter. The counter is triggerd via the durable orchestrator function.


Make sure that all requirements for local development of durable functions are fulfilled as described in the official documentation.

In addition I installed the extensions not via Extension Bundle but used the func install option i. e. func extensions install -p Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.DurableTask -v 2.2.0. (reason, see below)

If you set up the function projetct yourself via Visual Studio Code, make sure to adjust the code as follows due to the fact that teh templates are not up to date (status 23.12.2019):

  • Remove the reference to the extension bundle from the host.json file
  • Adjust the binding in the HTTP orchestration starter to durableClient and not orchestrationClient as the later is no longer valid for version 2.0 of Azure Functions and the durabel extension

How to Call

  • Start the function locally via npm run start
  • Use the REST client/CLI you like and trigger the orchestration via a GET request at http://localhost:7071/api/orchestrators/DurableEntityOrchestratorJS. This will trigger a sequence of interactions between the orchetsrator and the durable entities

Deviations from the official documentation (as of 23.12.2019)

The following mismatch with respect to the current official documentation exists :

  • The extensions are not installed via extension bundle as the extension entityTrigger is not recognized (which is consistent with the extension bundle JSON ), but via func install. This is current state of the art as described in the release notes of version 2.2.0
  • The binding of the EntityClient is an inbound binding as it would be for a OrchestrationClient. The documentation is not consistent here. It is ambivalent if you use in- or outbound binding, but I would stick to the status quo of the orchestration client

Clearing Local Azure Storage Emulator

If you do local development you might want to purge the history in your local Azure storage emulator. To do so key in the command AzureStorageEmulator.exe clear all - and do not forget the all, not that taht ever happended to me ;-)



  • Tested with Function runtime V3 (nodeJS 12 LTS) and Durable Extension 2.2.0
  • Added file RESTcalls.http. This way you can use the REST client of Visual Studio Code to issue the calls


Simple Orchestration of a Durable Entity

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%