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Website for Data Science at the University of Illinois

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Website for Data Science at the University of Illinois

Adding Content

There are currently 4 types of supported 'posts':

  • News
  • Projects
  • Data
  • Papers

All of these posts go in the _posts directory of the GitHub repository for this site. It is necessary to get the YAML correct in order for the post to show up correctly and in the correct portion of the site. It's also necessary to get the naming convention of the post correct: YYYY-MM-DD-{name}.markdown. Check out the _posts directory for examples.


Shows up in the News section of the site. Example YAML:

layout: post
title:  "Hello World!"
date:   2016-02-28 22:01:00 -0600
categories: post


Shows up in the Ongoing Projects section of the site. Example YAML:

layout: post
title:  "News Article Geocoding"
date:   2016-03-19 15:15:00 -0600
categories: project


Shows up in the Data section of the site. Example YAML:

layout: post
title: "SDSS DR7 Galaxy Correlation Function Data"
date: 2013-12-16
categories: data
summary: "We have released our SDSS DR7 two-point galaxy angular correlation function measurements and corresponding covariance matrices."


Shows up in the Papers section of the site. Example YAML:

layout: post
title: "The SDSS DR7 Galaxy Angular Power Spectrum: Volume-Limits and Galaxy Morphology"
date: 2013-02-01
categories: papers
summary: "We calculate the SDSS DR7 galaxy angular power spectrum."
authors: "Brett Hayes, Robert J. Brunner"

Known Issues

Broken Links

Other Issues

Future Work


Changing the Theme

  • Go get a theme from Bootswatch
  • Put it in the css directory
  • Edit the line in _includes/custom_head.html below to find the new file (not the one that calls syntax.css

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ "/css/spacelab.css" | prepend: site.baseurl }}">


Website for Data Science at the University of Illinois


Language:CSS 84.8%Language:HTML 15.2%