lbragstad / launchpad-toolkit

A set of scripts to help with administrative tasks and management of projects hosted on Launchpad.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A set of scripts to help with administrative tasks and management of projects hosted on Launchpad.

Installing Dependencies

All dependencies except dbus-python are included in requirements.txt. The dbus-python package can be installed via packages but it needs to be included in the virtualenv if one is being used:

$ sudo dnf install dbus-python
$ virtualenv --system-site-packages .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Building Bug Reports

This script will scrape Launchpad for bugs within a given time window and attempt to build a report.

$ python -h
usage: [-h] [--launchpad-config-file LAUNCHPAD_CONFIG_FILE]
                     [--report-config-file REPORT_CONFIG_FILE]

Automated bug reports.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --launchpad-config-file LAUNCHPAD_CONFIG_FILE
  --report-config-file REPORT_CONFIG_FILE

Start by putting the report dates and projects in a configuration file:

$ cat << EOF > report.conf
> [report]
> projects = keystone keystoneauth keystonemiddleware python-keystoneclient
> start_date = 'April 13, 2018 12:00 AM CST'
> end_date = 'April 20, 2018 12:00 AM CST'

Then run the script:

$ python --report-config-file report.conf
Bugs opened (5)
Bug #1763824 (keystone:Medium) opened by Morgan Fainberg
Bug #1765193 (keystone:Medium) opened by Lance Bragstad
Bug #1764272 (keystone:Undecided) opened by lucky
Bug #1764274 (keystone:Undecided) opened by lucky
Bug #1764282 (keystone:Undecided) opened by lucky

Bugs closed (0)

Bugs fixed (4)
Bug #1763824 (keystone:Medium) fixed by Morgan Fainberg
Bug #1754413 (keystone:Low) fixed by Russell Tweed
Bug #1754417 (keystone:Low) fixed by Russell Tweed
Bug #1755874 (keystone:Undecided) fixed by Morgan Fainberg

This script does use a .launchpadtk.conf file to pull information from Launchpad using your account information. A sample one has been included in this repository and by default will look for it in your home directory.

Recent Bugs

Note that most of this functionality has been superseded by, which is easier to use.

A basic script that reports all new bug activity within a given time period.

$ python -m tools.recent_bugs --help
usage: [-h] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [-d DAYS] [-H]
                      projects [projects ...]

summarize bugs from a launchpad project

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE
  -d DAYS, --days DAYS  history in number of days
  -H, --html            Format the reports as HTML

Example Usage

Generate a weekly report for all bugs recently opened in OpenStack Identity project.

(.venv)$ python -m tools.recent_bugs -d 7 -p keystone

Generate a monthly report for all bugs opened against all OpenStack Identity projects.

(.venv)$ python -m tools.recent_bugs -d 30 -p keystone keystoneauth keystonemiddleware python-keystoneclient

Office Hours

Note that most of this functionality has been superseded by, which is easier to use.

Generate a report consisting of all bug activity for a project within a given time period.

$ python -m tools.office_hours --help
usage: [-h] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] -s START [-e END]
                       projects [projects ...]

positional arguments:
  projects              Project(s) to report on

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE
  -s START, --start START
                        Start of report in YYYY-MM-DD:HH:mm format
  -e END, --end END     End of report in YYYY-MM-DD:HH:mm format

Example Usage

Generate a report for keystone's office hours.

(.venv)$ python -m tools.office_hours -s 2017-08-01:19:00 -e 2017-08-01:22:00 keystone


A set of scripts to help with administrative tasks and management of projects hosted on Launchpad.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%