lborsato / microConnect-ios

An iOS framework that allows Connect partners to integrate issue creation, notification, and chat in a single button.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Boomtown microConnect for iOS (v.1)

Minmum Requirements

  • Xcode 7.2
  • iOS 8.0


microConnect-ios contains BTConnectHelp, an iOS framework for Connect partners. It allows partners to integrate issue creation, notification, and chat in a single BTConnectHelpButton button.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Drag BTConnectHelp.framework from the SDK folder into the Embedded Binaries section in Targets->General
  3. In the "Choose options for adding these files" dialog, ensure "Copy items if needed" is checked and "Create Groups" is selected next to "Added folders"

API Key Generation

  1. Log onto the Admin Portal (
  2. Click "Providers" in the left menu
  3. Find your provider in the list
  4. Double-click your provider to show the "Edit Provider" window
  5. Click "API Settings,"" near the button of the configuration panel
  6. Select Sandbox or Live, depending on the state of development
  7. Click "Re-Generate"
  8. Copy the access token and private-key, as provided in the pop-up dialog

Obtaining Member Information

For chat to work, microConnect-ios requires you specify the member and user information of the person using your app. This information can be obtained as follows:

  1. Log onto the Admin Portal (
  2. Click "Providers" in the left menu
  3. Find and double-click your provider to show the "Edit Provider" window
  4. Click "Members" along the top of the "Edit Provider" window
  5. Find and double-click the appropriate member from the list to show the "Edit Member" window
  6. The Id field of the Member Info section contains the value to use for BTConnectHelpButton.membersId
  7. Click "Locations" along the top of the "Edit Member" window
  8. Find and double-click the appropriate location for the user of your app to show the "Edit Member Location" window
  9. The Id field of the Location Information section contains the value to use for BTConnectHelpButton.membersLocationId
  10. Click "Discard & Close" in the lower right to return to the "Edit Member" window
  11. Click "Users" along the top of the "Edit Member" window
  12. Find and double-click the user of your app to show the "Edit Member User" window
  13. The Id field of the Member User Info section contains the value to use for BTConnectHelpButton.membersUsersId


Note: Objective-C and Swift examples may be found in the Examples folder of this repository


@import BTConnectHelp;

//	Create BTConnectHelp button and add it to view
BTConnectHelpButton *connectHelpButton = [[BTConnectHelpButton alloc] initWithFrame:self.subview.frame];
connectHelpButton.delegate = self;

connectHelpButton.membersId             = MEMBERS_ID;
connectHelpButton.membersLocationsId    = MEMBERS_LOCATIONS_ID;
connectHelpButton.membersUsersId        = MEMBERS_USERS_ID;

connectHelpButton.supportWebsiteUrl 	= @"";
connectHelpButton.supportEmailAddress   = @"";
connectHelpButton.supportPhoneNumber 	= @"1-888-555-2368";

[connectHelpButton setCredentialsWithToken:API_TOKEN secret:API_SECRET];
[self.view addSubview:connectHelpButton];

//	Implement callback to display the BTConnect Help view controller
- (void) displayConnectHelpViewController:(BTConnectHelpViewController *)vc
	[self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:YES];


import BTConnectHelp

let button = BTConnectHelpButton(frame: self.subview.frame)
button.delegate = self;

button.membersId           = MEMBERS_ID;
button.membersLocationsId  = MEMBERS_LOCATIONS_ID;
button.membersUsersId      = MEMBERS_USERS_ID;

button.supportWebsiteUrl   = ""
button.supportEmailAddress = ""
button.supportPhoneNumber  = "1-888-555-2368"

// NOTE: Because of a Foundation bug, API_SECRET must be declared as NSString and cast to String
button.setCredentialsWithToken(API_TOKEN, secret: API_SECRET as String)

func displayConnectHelpViewController(vc: BTConnectHelpViewController) {
    navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)


A BTConnectHelpButton can be added to your app programmatically or within a storyboard, as shown in this screenshot from one of the included example apps.

screenshot example initial view

Tapping the BTConnectHelpButton will take your user to the Help view.

screenshot help view

From the Help view, the user may tap the buttons for chat, web, e-mail, or phone support. If the user taps "Chat With Us," an issue will be created for him, and he will be taken to a chat room associated with that issue.

screenshot chat view


microConnect-ios makes use of various open source libraries, and we are grateful for the contributions of the open source community.

To help you acknowledge the open source libraries we have used, we have included two files in the root of the repository:

  • is a Markdown file for you to use however makes sense for you.
  • Acknowledgements.plist is an Apple PLIST file designed for use in a Settings bundle.


An iOS framework that allows Connect partners to integrate issue creation, notification, and chat in a single button.

License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 57.9%Language:Swift 42.1%