lazydragon / nginx-jwt

Lua script for Nginx that performs reverse proxy auth using JWT's

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JWT Auth for Nginx

nginx-jwt is a Lua script for the Nginx server (running the HttpLuaModule) that will allow you to use Nginx as a reverse proxy in front of your existing set of HTTP services and secure them (authentication/authorization) using a trusted JSON Web Token (JWT) in the Authorization request header, having to make little or no changes to the backing services themselves.

This project is forked based on auth0/nginx-jwt.


Key Features

  • Secure an existing HTTP service (ex: REST API) using Nginx reverse-proxy and this script
  • Authenticate an HTTP request with the verified identity contained with in a JWT
  • Optionally, authorize the same request using helper functions for asserting required JWT claims


IMPORTANT: nginx-jwt is a Lua script that is designed to run on Nginx servers that have the HttpLuaModule installed. But ultimately its dependencies require components available in the OpenResty distribution of Nginx. Therefore, it is recommended that you use OpenResty as your Nginx server, and these instructions make that assumption.

Install steps:

  1. Check out this respository and deploy its contents to a directory on your Nginx server.
  2. Specify this directory's path using ngx_lua's lua_package_path directive:
    # nginx.conf:
    http {
        lua_package_path "/path/to/lua/scripts;;";


At the moment, nginx-jwt only supports symmetric keys (alg = hs256), which is why you need to configure your server with the shared JWT secret below.

  1. Export the JWT_SECRET environment variable on the Nginx host, setting it equal to your JWT secret. Then expose it to Nginx server:
    # nginx.conf:
    env JWT_SECRET;
  2. If your JWT secret is Base64 (URL-safe) encoded, export the JWT_SECRET_IS_BASE64_ENCODED environment variable on the Nginx host, setting it equal to true. Then expose it to Nginx server:
    # nginx.conf:


Now we can start using the script in reverse-proxy scenarios to secure our backing service. This is done by using the access_by_lua directive to call the nginx-jwt script's auth() function before executing any proxy_* directives:

# nginx.conf:

server {
    location /{
        access_by_lua '
            local jwt = require("nginx-jwt")
            local configs = require("configs")


Update lua/configs.lua with your own criteria

configs is a lua table it is a list of config tables in order, first matched uri will be in effect and all remaining configs will be ignored the config table is consisted of following values

  • uri: the uri pattern
  • action: possible values are
    • "pass": no auth is checked
    • "redirect": when auth is not valid, redirect to redirect_url
    • "deny": when auth is not valid, deny access
  • claim_specs: please refer to the following section
  • redirect_url: url used when redirect is needed
  • fields: fields(payloads) that needs to be passed along in header with X- prefix l
local configs = {
    -- config example
        uri = "^/secure_this",
        action = "deny",
        claim_specs = {},
        redirect_url = "", 
        fields = {"sub"}

        uri = "^/url/pattern/",
        action = "redirect",
        claim_specs = {},
        redirect_url = function () return ""..ngx.escape_uri("https://"..ngx.var.http_host..ngx.var.request_uri) end,
        fields = {"user_id"}
    -- default to pass
        uri = "^/",
        action = "pass"

If you attempt to cURL the above /secure_this endpoint, you're going to get a 401 response from Nginx since it requires a valid JWT to be passed:

curl -i http://your-nginx-server/secure_this
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Server: openresty/
Date: Sun, 03 May 2015 18:05:00 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 200
Connection: keep-alive

<head><title>401 Authorization Required</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>401 Authorization Required</h1></center>

To create a valid JWT, we've included a handy tool that will generate one given a payload and a secret. The payload must be in JSON format and at a minimum should contain a sub (subject) element. The following command will generate a JWT with an arbitrary payload and the specific secret used by the proxy:

test/sign '{"sub": "flynn"}' 'My JWT secret'
Payload: { sub: 'flynn' }
Secret: JWTs are the best!
Token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlIiwiaWF0IjoxNDMwNjc3NjYzfQ.Zt4qnQyljbqLvAN7BQSuu14z5PjKcPpZZY85hDFVN3E

You can then use the above Token (the JWT) and call the Nginx server's /secure_this endpoint again:

curl -i http://your-nginx-server/secure_this -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlIiwiaWF0IjoxNDMwNjc3NjYzfQ.Zt4qnQyljbqLvAN7BQSuu14z5PjKcPpZZY85hDFVN3E'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: openresty/
Date: Sun, 03 May 2015 18:34:18 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 47
Connection: keep-alive
X-sub: flynn
X-Powered-By: Express
ETag: W/"2f-8fc49de2"

The reverse-proxied response!

In this case the Nginx server has authorized the caller and performed a reverse proxy call to the backing service's endpoint.
Notice that a header named "X-sub" with value flynn will be passed to app server as well, as configured in the 'fields'

If you visit http://your-nginx-server/url/pattern without a valid JWT, you will be redirected to the url defined in the redirect_url in configs.

Otherwise for any other urls under http://your-nginx-server, there is no JWT check


Authenticates the current request, requiring a JWT bearer token in the Authorization request header. Verification uses the value set in the JWT_SECRET (and optionally JWT_SECRET_IS_BASE64_ENCODED) environment variables.

If authentication succeeds, then by default the current request is authorized by virtue of a valid user identity. More specific authorization can be accomplished via the optional claim_specs parameter. If provided, it must be a Lua Table where each key is the name of a desired claim and each value is a pattern that can be used to test the actual value of the claim. If your claim value is more complex that what a pattern can handle, you can pass an anonymous function instead that has the signature function (val) and returns a truthy value (or just true) if val is a match. You can also use the table_contains helper function to easily check for an existing value in an array table.

For example if we wanted to ensure that the JWT had an aud (Audience) claim value that started with foo: and a roles claim that contained a marketing role, then the claim_specs parameter might look like this:

        role=function (val) return jwt.table_contains(val, "marketing") end

and if our JWT's payload of claims looked something like this, the above call would succeed:

    "aud": "foo:user",
    "roles": [ "sales", "marketing" ]

NOTE: the auth function should be called within the access_by_lua or access_by_lua_file directive so that it can occur before the Nginx content phase.

API Reference


Syntax: table_contains(table, item)

A helper function that checks to see if table (a Lua Table) contains the specified item. If it does, the function returns true; otherwise false. This is particularly helpful for checking for a value in an array:

array = { "foo", "bar" }
table_contains(array, "foo") --> true


Lua script for Nginx that performs reverse proxy auth using JWT's



Language:Lua 100.0%