laxmanbalaraman / TheSparksFoundationInternship-Prediction-using-decision-tree-algorithm

Sparks foundation Data analytics task#6 Prediction using decision tree algorithm on the Iris dataset

Repository from Github https://github.comlaxmanbalaraman/TheSparksFoundationInternship-Prediction-using-decision-tree-algorithmRepository from Github https://github.comlaxmanbalaraman/TheSparksFoundationInternship-Prediction-using-decision-tree-algorithm

The Sparks Foundation #GRIPAUG21

Author: Laxman B

Task #6: Prediction using decision tree algorithm

Iris is a flowering plant with showy flowers. Our task is train a decision tree classifier model that would classify the dataset and predict the appropriate specicis for the given input. The dataset contains information about three species of this plant. so, our output must be among one of these three species.

The iris dataset has four attributes namely:

  1. sepal length
  2. sepal width
  3. petal length
  4. petal width

Target variable: species (Iris-setosa, Iris-versicolor, Iris-virginica)

An old rock in the desert



Sparks foundation Data analytics task#6 Prediction using decision tree algorithm on the Iris dataset


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%