lavsharmaa / tensorflow-asl-voice

American Sign Language Detection Android App with voice feedback using SSD_Mobilenet | Google Colab

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American Sign Language Detection Model with voice feedback using SSD_Mobilenet trained on Google Colab

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  • Model Used - ssd_mobilenet_v2_fpnlite_320x320_coco17_tpu-8
  • DL FrameWork Used - TensorFlow Version 2
  • DataSet Used - ASL By David Lee
  • Platform - Google Colab Using GPU

Download the APK from Google Drive

Addition to the original repo

  • I have just implemented a voice feedback feature for the alphabet recognized by the app.
  • In the bottom sheet you can find the Text-To-Speech button in front of that a ImageView is implemented with a music sign logo.
  • When you perform a sign in front of the camera and click on the icon it gives you feedback in voice.

Implementation method

  • First I have logged the output from the
Log.i("Recognitionss", String.valueOf(results.get(0).getTitle()));
// passing the detected alphabet to xml
  • Passing the result to the xml file
// define this in for storing the result
protected TextView toShowOutput;
  • Using onClickListener for the mp3 audio to be played when a particular alphabet is encountered
  public void onClick(View v) {
    // some code
    // voice for the detected alphabet
    else if (v.getId() == {
      // this is the value we are showing
      EditText mEdit = findViewById(;
      String letter = mEdit.getText().toString();
      if (letter.equalsIgnoreCase("A")) {
        final MediaPlayer mp100 = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.letter_a);
      else if (letter.equalsIgnoreCase("B")) {
        final MediaPlayer mp100 = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.letter_b);
      // similarly you can implement for the other alphabet
  • Not the ideal way to implement this method but as TTS or Text-To-Speech was causing me some issue so I implemented the feedback in a different manner. TTS would be the best approach or else you need to define sound for every alphabet or word inside your raw folder in android.
  • You can raise the issue if you face any problem in the code.
  • Thanks to David Lee for amazing DataSet.


American Sign Language Detection Android App with voice feedback using SSD_Mobilenet | Google Colab

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 59.5%Language:Java 40.5%