Valentyna Lavrentyeva's repositories
Responsive HTML and CSS page focused on text-shadow and typography
Responsive HTML and CSS portfolio page for a ceramics artist.
Responsive HTML and CSS page containing ::before and ::after pseudo-elements and such methods as positioning, flexbox, linear-gradient, scaling, etc.
E-commerce Node Express App. Functioning "Sign Up/Sign In", "Cart" and "Products" pages. Admin Panel access allows to edit the store's file-based data (adding products, uploading images, etc).
HTML and CSS page with responsive flexbox and grid layouts. Hamburger button is animated with keyframes and its class names are toggled with JS.
React app for a restaurant which contains such CSS methods as transition, positioning, flexbox and responsive layout including hamburger button for mobile navigation menu. Internal site navigation is set with React Router reservation option is imitated through a form.
Multiple-section website with grid and flexbox responsive layouts built with HTML, CSS and JS.
Movies' data is fetched from "" with axios GET requests, then parsed and compared.
Secret Messages App. Given app incudes a text input allowing a user to write a secret message they would like to share with their friends. With the help of Base64 encoding, submitted message then turns into a shareable URL. After opening the URL, the secret message is decoded and displayed on the screen.
HTML and CSS page focused on typography methods.