laurentknauss / go_routines

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Below are basic examples of using goroutines and channels to illustrate the concurrency model of the Go language .

The file producer_consumer.go illustrates a simple producer/consumer pattern.
It implements 2 goroutines and 2 channels.
The producer function send 5 true values to the comm channel.
The consumer function receives values from the comm channel in an infinite loop .
and prints a message for each received value.
When the producer has finished sending all 5 values, it sends a true value to the done channel to signal that it is done.
As an the entry point to the program , in the main function , the producer and consumer functions are launched
as separate goroutines.
The main function then waits for a value from the done channel and before printing the final output 'All Done!".

The file multiple.go creates a variable number of goroutines. As a Go program does not wait for its go routines to end before exiting, we need to delay it manually, which is the purpose od the time.Sleep() call. We will correct that by using Waitgroups to wait for all goroutines to finsih before exiting.



Language:Go 100.0%