laurent-martin / aspera-api-examples

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Aspera SDK sample apps


This public repository provides code examples to transfer files using some of the IBM Aspera APIs for various IBM Aspera products using some languages:

  • Aspera Transfer SDK: for transfers in an application
  • Aspera Connect SDK and HTTPGW SDK: for transfers in a web browser
  • Aspera Applications APIs: to interact with applications like Faspex, AoC, Node API, COS, etc...

Other resources

General access to all IBM Aspera APIs here or here

The Aspera transfer SDK on IBM site contains code sample for the use oif it.

Video about Transfer SDK

The IBM Aspera Connect SDK github site contains examples about using the Aspera Connect SDK.


This repository is structured like this:

  • web : this folder contains an example that shows the use of both the Aspera Connect SDK and Aspera HTTP Gateway SDK
  • other folders show samples in various languages using the Aspera Transfer SDK and Aspera Applications APIs

The address of servers and credentials are needed to run the samples. The configuration information is centralized in the file private/config.yaml. Sample programs will use the information from this YAML file.

Once the configuration file is created, sample programs can be run directly.

Sample programs use a common library: "test environment" which takes care of starting the API daemon and creating its configuration file. Nevertheless, developers may choose another method for daemon startup.

Unix-like systems: Linux, macOS... Makefile is provided to run the samples.

Windows: Refer to the Quick start for Windows below as make is not available, and use the Makefile as a reference to execute the commands manually.

Quick start (Unix-like systems)

If you use macOS, or Linux, AIX, etc...

  1. Initialize the main folder:


    This will:

    • create an empty configuration file from the template
    • download the Aspera Transfer SDK
    • extract the SDK to the expected folder.

    Note: If you don't have internet access on the system, download the Transfer SDK with a system with internet from: and place the file here: <main folder>/sdk/trsdk/

  2. Refer to Configuration File: Edit the file private/config.yaml and fill values.

    vi private/config.yaml
  3. Run the samples: see next section.

Quick start (Windows)

  1. Refer to Configuration File: Copy the file config/config.tmpl into private/config.yaml and fill values.

    md private
    copy config\config.tmpl private\config.yaml

    Set the parameter misc.system_type to windows-x86_64

    Edit required parameters in private/config.yaml, for example Faspex connection information.

    Note: Yes, you can also drap and drop, and click, and copy/paste, and edit the file with Notepad, etc...

  2. Prepare the SDK folder

    md generated
    md generated\trsdk
    mklink /D generated\trsdk\etc noarch

    Note: Creation of the link etc -> noarch is because ascp will look for its license file aspera-license in one of . ./etc .. ../etc ../.. ../../etc

  3. Download and extract its contents to generated/trsdk

  4. Run the samples: see next section.

Running sample programs

Samples rely on relative paths defined in config/paths.yaml and the main configuration file: private/config.yaml.

For example to execute an individual script:

echo hello > datafile
python python/src/ datafile

Configuration file

A template configuration file is provided: config/config.tmpl.

Copy the file config/config.tmpl into private/config.yaml and fill with your own server addresses, credentials and parameters.

cp config/config.tmpl private/config.yaml
vi private/config.yaml

Set the parameter misc.system_type to the architecture used:

  • windows-x86_64
  • osx-x86_64
  • osx-arm64
  • linux-x86_64
  • linux-ppc64le
  • linux-s390
  • aix-ppc64

The parameter misc.trsdk_url can be set to grpc:// (specify the local port that sdk will use).

Section httpgw is used by the web example only.

Other sections are used by the various examples. For example, if you want to test only COS transfer with transfer SDK you can set the section cos only and leave the other sections empty.

Example (with random credentials):

  system_type: osx-x86_64
  trsdk_url: grpc://
  port: 9080
  user: aspera
  pass: demoaspera
  url: ssh://
  file_download: /aspera-test-dir-small/10MB.1
  folder_upload: /Upload
  verify: false
  user: node_user
  pass: _the_password_here_
  user: faxpex_user
  pass: _the_password_here_
  bucket: mybucket
  key: _the_key_here_
  crn: 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:_the_crn_::'
  bucket: mybucket
  service_credential_file: ./service_creds.json
  region: eu-de
  org: acme
  private_key: /path/to/my_aoc_key
  client_secret: frpmsRsG4mjZ0PlxCgdJlvONqBg4Vlpz_IX7gXmBMAfsgMLy2FO6CXLodKfKAuhqnCqSptLbe_wdmnm9JRuEPO-PpFqpq_Kb
  workspace: Default
  shared_inbox: TheSharedInbox

Note: Faspex and node sections have a parameter verify: set to false to disable certificate verification.

HSTS Node API credentials

Refer to the HSTS documentation to create a user and get the credentials.

Typically, a node api user is created like this:

/opt/aspera/bin/asnodeadmin -a -u my_node_username -p my_node_password -x my_transfer_user

Note: Access key credentials (id and secret) can also be used for the node api user.

Aspera on Cloud

For Aspera on Cloud, several items are required:

  • org : The AoC Organization, i.e. the name before in the URL
  • user_email : The user's IBMid
  • private_key : The path to the PEM file containing the user's private key. The user configured the associated public key in his AoC User's profile.
  • client_id : (see below) The client app identifier
  • client_secret : (see below) The client app secret

client_id and client_secret can be:

  • either a specific application credential created in the admin interface of AoC (Integrations)
  • or one of the two global client id : the one of aspera connect/drive or the one of the legacy aspera CLI :
    • frpmsRsG4mjZ0PlxCgdJlvONqBg4Vlpz_IX7gXmBMAfsgMLy2FO6CXLodKfKAuhqnCqSptLbe_wdmnm9JRuEPO-PpFqpq_Kb

For example to extract the ones of Aspera Connect (Drive): strings asperaconnect|grep -B1 '^aspera\.drive$'

COS service credentials

To test transfers to COS, you will need:

  • bucket name
  • storage endpoint
  • api key
  • resource instance id (crn)
  • authentication endpoint (optional)

This is the default in the example.

Or it is also possible to use:

  • bucket name
  • region
  • service credentials: create the file private/service_creds.json, follow: get service credentials


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 32.0%Language:JavaScript 19.2%Language:C# 17.8%Language:Java 16.2%Language:Ruby 7.5%Language:Makefile 4.3%Language:HTML 2.2%Language:CSS 0.7%