laurensiusadi / laravel-fortify-vue-tailwind-template

Basic setup Laravel 8 + Fortify + Tailwind + Vue 2

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Laravel Public + Vue Private SPA

Basic setup Laravel 8 + Fortify + Tailwind + Vue 2

The idea is to have basic public facing website handled by Laravel, so it's going to be quick and doesn't need to setup server rendering for Vue.


  • All essentials auth pages included
  • Email confirmation sequence
  • Private web app SPA Vue JS


Private route URL is /app, defined in:

  • app\Providers\RouteServiceProvider.php
  • resources\js\router.js
  • routes\web.php

How To Run Project

  1. Copy env.example and rename to .env
  2. Fill in database and email
  3. Install all dependencies composer install and npm install
  4. Run php artisan migrate
  5. Run php artisan serve and in another terminal npm run watch

How To Disable Email Confirmation

  1. routes\web.php: Remove all routes under Email Verification, and remove middleware verified
  2. config\fortify.php: Remove Features::emailVerification()
  3. app\Models\User.php: Remove implements MustVerifyEmail


Basic setup Laravel 8 + Fortify + Tailwind + Vue 2


Language:PHP 77.3%Language:Blade 20.8%Language:Vue 1.2%Language:Shell 0.7%