laurenclark / next-strapi-tinaCMS

Really cool little "not-a-cms" tool. In a nutshell it's an admin layer built in React that you can use with a JAM client to create a drag/drop user experience which saves to a backend, I've gone fully OS here and used Strapi. Bit fiddly to put together but an interesting concept and I'm watching the project closely. It's still pre version 1 and has lots of snags to be worked out, but this has huge potential to make a great small website or blogging platform for a user or client.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Really cool little "not-a-cms" tool. In a nutshell it's an admin layer built in React that you can use with a JAM client to create a drag/drop user experience which saves to a backend, I've gone fully OS here and used Strapi. Bit fiddly to put together but an interesting concept and I'm watching the project closely. It's still pre version 1 and has lots of snags to be worked out, but this has huge potential to make a great small website or blogging platform for a user or client.

Tina & NextJS & Strapi CMS

🤚 Make sure you run yarn upgrade on the backend and frontend before you start work so that dependencies are up-to-date and we are working with the latest Strapi, Tina and Next (Tina is iterating quite fast)

Strapi (Backend)

Admin -> http://localhost:1337/dashboard

yarn develop

NextJS/Tina (Frontend)

Client -> http://localhost:3000

yarn dev

If you want to run both from root directory you can do with yarn start-client and yarn start-cms, but they need their own terminal instances

CMS Setup

  • Create a .env file with the and put this in the Frontend directory
  • You need public permissions set so that Strapi can be queried by the client. Head to Roles & Permissions and check count, find and findone for all the the content types.
  • To be able to access preview/edit mode you need to be logged in, so create a user from the CMS and use those credentials.
  • Create an authorised user in order to log in and edit, you'll need all permissions for content-types and all permissions for Uploads (or you won't be able to upload images to the media library)

Note: The DB is SQLlite and local so not in the repo, you'll need to add some dummy content to view.

To Edit

Visit http://localhost:3000/api/preview to enable edit mode.

Imports Organisation

## React & Next
import React, { memo } from 'react'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import ErrorPage from 'next/error'
import Head from 'next/head'

## Strapi
import {
} from 'react-tinacms-strapi'

## Tina Specific, Forms, Field Plugins, Custom Hooks(useHook)
import { useCMS } from 'tinacms'
import { HtmlFieldPlugin, MarkdownFieldPlugin } from 'react-tinacms-editor'
import PostForm from '../forms/PostForm'

## Components / Other
import Container from '../../components/container'
import PostBody from '../../components/post-body'
import Header from '../../components/header'

import { CMS_NAME } from '../../lib/constants'
import markdownToHtml from '../../lib/markdownToHtml'

## Styling (if not using Tailwind)
import { css } from '@emotion/core'
import { GlobalStyles } from './GlobalStyles'


Really cool little "not-a-cms" tool. In a nutshell it's an admin layer built in React that you can use with a JAM client to create a drag/drop user experience which saves to a backend, I've gone fully OS here and used Strapi. Bit fiddly to put together but an interesting concept and I'm watching the project closely. It's still pre version 1 and has lots of snags to be worked out, but this has huge potential to make a great small website or blogging platform for a user or client.


Language:JavaScript 96.9%Language:CSS 3.0%Language:Shell 0.1%