lattic / UdpSocket

UdpSocket C++ library provides methos to work with UDP port (open, close, send data and receive data).

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UdpSocket C++ library


Table of contents


UdpSocket C++ library provides methos to work with UDP port (open, close, send data and receive data). UdpSocket library is cross-platform and compatible with Windows and Linux OS. Main file UdpSocket.h includes declaration of UdpSocket class which provides methods to work with UDP socket.


Table 1 - Library versions.

Version Release date What's new
1.0.0 10.10.2021 First version
2.0.0 17.05.2022 - Class interface changed.
- Added Tracker library to print debug info.
3.0.0 13.05.2023 - Class interface changed.
- Tracer library excluded.
3.0.1 13.05.2023 - Fixed send data to external address.
3.1.0 27.08.2023 - License added.
- Repository made public.

UdpSocket class description

Class declaration

UdpSocket interface class declared in UdpSocket.h file. Class declaration:

namespace cr
namespace clib
 * @brief UDP Socket class.
class UdpSocket

     * @brief Get current library version.
     * @return String of current library version in format "X.Y.Z".
    static std::string getVersion();

     * @brief Class constructor.

     * @brief Class destructor.

     * @brief Open UDP socket.
     * @param port UDP port.
     * @param serverType TRUE to send/receive data, FALSE only to send data.
     *        (socket will not be bind).
     * @param timeoutMsec Wait data timeout in milliseconds.
     * @return TRUE in socket open or FALSE if not.
    bool open(uint16_t port,
              bool serverType = false,
              std::string dstIp = "",
              int timeoutMsec = 100);

     * @brief Read data.
     * @param data Pointer to data buffer to copy data (not nullptr).
     * @param size Size of buffer.
     * @param srcAddr Pointer to structure from which the data was read.
     * @return Number of read bytes or return -1 in case error.
    int read(uint8_t* data,
             int size,
             sockaddr_in* srcAddr = nullptr);

     * @brief Send data.
     * @param data Pointer to data to send.
     * @param size Size of data to send.
     * @param dstAddr Pointer to structure to data to send.
     * @return Number of bytes sent or return -1 if UDP socket not open.
    int send(uint8_t* data, int size, sockaddr_in* dstAddr = nullptr);

     * @brief Check if UDP socket open.
     * @return TRUE if socket open or FALSE if not.
    bool isOpen();

     * @brief Close UDP socket.
    void close();

     * @brief Get IP of data source.
     * @param srcAddr Pointer to structure from which the data was read.
     * @return IP of data source.
    std::string getIp(sockaddr_in* srcAddr);

     * @brief Get UDP port of data source.
     * @param srcAddr Pointer to structure from which the data was read.
     * @return UDP port of data source.
    int getPort(sockaddr_in* srcAddr);

getVersion method

getVersion() method return string of current class version. Method declaration:

static std::string getVersion();

Method can be used without UdpSocket class instance:

std::cout << "UdpSocket version: " << cr::clib::UdpSocket::getVersion() << std::endl;

open method

open(...) method designed to initialize UDP socket. Method declaration:

bool open(uint16_t port, bool serverType = false, std::string dstIp = "", int timeoutMsec = 100);
Parameter Value
port UDP port. Must have values from 0 to 65535.
serverType Socket type: TRUE - socket will be able to read and write data, FALSE - socket will be able only send data.
dstIp Destination IP address.
timeoutMsec Wait data timeout. Method sets timeout to UDP socket properties. Timeout determines behavior of read(...) method: method will wait input data maximum timeoutMsec milliseconds and will return negative results if no input data.

Returns: TRUE if the UDP port open or FALSE if not.

read method

read(...) method designed to read (wait) input data. After receiving input data the method will return control immediately or will return control after timeout (set in open(...) method) if no input data. Method declaration:

int read(uint8_t* data, int size, sockaddr_in* srcAddr = nullptr);
Parameter Value
data Pointer to data buffer.
size Size of data buffer and maximum data size to read from socket.
srcAddr Optional pointer to address structure. Method returns address structure of data source. User can use it to send data back to data source.

Returns: Number of bytes or -1 if no input data or timeout expired (set in open(...) method) or UDP socket not open.

send method

send(...) method designed to send data. Method declaration:

int send(uint8_t* data, int size, sockaddr_in* dstAddr = nullptr);
Parameter Value
data Pointer to data buffer.
size Size of data to send.
dstAddr Optional pointer to address structure. If address structure provide method will send data to this address.

Returns: Number of bytes sent or -1 if data not sent or UDP socket not open.

isOpen method

isOpen() method returns UDP socket open status. Method declaration:

bool isOpen();

Returns: TRUE if UPD socket open or FALSE if not.

close method

close() method designed to close socket if it open. Method declaration:

void close();

getIp method

getIp(...) method designed to extract IP address from address structure. Method declaration:

std::string getIp(sockaddr_in* srcAddr);
Parameter Value
srcAddr Pointer to address structure.

Returns: IP string.

getPort method

getPort(...) method designed to extract UDP port from address structure. Method declaration:

int getPort(sockaddr_in* srcAddr);
Parameter Value
srcAddr Pointer to address structure.

Returns: UDP port.


Data sender

Test application shows how to create socket only to send data. Test application send random data periodically.

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
#include <thread>
#include "UdpSocket.h"

// Link namespaces.
using namespace std;
using namespace cr::clib;
using namespace std::chrono;

// Entry point.
int main(void)
    cout<< "Data sender v" << UdpSocket::getVersion() << endl << endl;

    // Enter destination IP.
    string ip = "";
    cout << "Enter destination IP: ";
    cin >> ip;

    // Enter UDP port.
    int port = 0;
    cout << "Enter UDP port: ";
    cin >> port;

    // Enter sending data period ms.
    int cyclePeriodMsec = 0;
    cout << "Enter sending data period msec: ";
    cin >> cyclePeriodMsec;

    // Enter number of bytes.
    int numBytes = 0;
    cout << "Enter num bytes to send [0-8192]: ";
    cin >> numBytes;

    // Init UDP socket: clietn (only to send data), default destination IP.
    UdpSocket udpSocket;
    if (!, false, ip))
        cout << "ERROR: Can't init UDP socket. Exit." << endl;
        return -1;

    // Init variables.
    uint8_t* data = new uint8_t[numBytes];

    // Main loop.
    time_point<system_clock> startTime = system_clock::now();
    while (true)
        // Prepare random data.
        for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; ++i)
            data[i] = (uint8_t)(rand() % 255);

        // Send data.
        cout << udpSocket.send(data, numBytes) << " bytes sent" << endl;

        // Wait according to parameters.
        int waitTime = (int)duration_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now() -
        waitTime = cyclePeriodMsec - waitTime;
        if (waitTime > 0)
        startTime = system_clock::now();

    return 1;

Data receiver

Test application shows how to create socket to read and send. Test application receives and shows info about input data.

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
#include <thread>
#include "UdpSocket.h"

// Link namespaces.
using namespace std;
using namespace cr::clib;
using namespace std::chrono;

// Entry point.
int main(void)
    cout<< "Data receiver v" << UdpSocket::getVersion() << endl << endl;

    // Set UDP port.
    int port = 0;
    cout << "Enter UDP port: ";
    cin >> port;

    // Set wait data timeout.
    int timeoutMsec = 0;
    cout << "Enter wait data timeout, msec: ";
    cin >> timeoutMsec;

    // Init UDP socket: server, default destination IP.
    UdpSocket udpSocket;
    if (!, true, "", timeoutMsec))
        cout << "ERROR: Can't init UDP socket. Exit." << endl;
        return -1;

    // Init variables.
    const int bufferSize = 1024;
    uint8_t data[bufferSize];

    // Main loop.
    while (true)
        // Read data. Max wait time = timeoutMsec.
        struct sockaddr_in addr;
        int bytes =, bufferSize, &addr);

        // Check input data size.
        if (bytes <= 0)
            cout << "No input data" << endl;

        // Show data about sender.
        cout << bytes << " bytes read from " << udpSocket.getIp(&addr) << "/" <<
                udpSocket.getPort(&addr) << endl;


UdpSocket C++ library provides methos to work with UDP port (open, close, send data and receive data).



Language:C++ 68.9%Language:CMake 29.8%Language:C 1.2%