lathoub / express

Fast, unopinionated, (very) minimalist web framework for Arduino ESP32

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express for ESP32 using Arduino IDE

Fast, unopinionated, (subset of a) minimalist web framework for ESP32 Arduino.

looking for help I'm looking for Arduino drop-in replacements for std::map and std::vector (understanding the memory contraints and possible issues in a ltd memory environment).

Getting started

Hello world example

Below is essentially the simplest Arduino express app you can create.

#include <Express.h>
using namespace EXPRESS_NAMESPACE;


void setup() {

  app.get(F("/"), [](request &req, response &res) {
    res.send(F("Hello World!"));

  app.listen(3000, []() { // creates and runs server
    LOG_I(F("Example app listening on port"), app.port);

void loop() {;


Ethernet library (for ESP32 with W5500).

Use of Containers

This lib uses 2 types of containers: vector and map and work fine in the ESP32 environment. Not do much so in the Arduino environment and I'm looking for drop-in replacements. Anyone?

ESP32 with W5500

When you combine an ESP32 with the W5500 chip, you need to patch Server.h as reported here.

this virtual void begin(uint16_t port=0) =0; must be changed into virtual void begin() =0;

  • MacOS: /Users/user/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/2.0.*/cores/esp32
  • Windows: C:\Users<user>\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.*\cores\esp32\Server.h


Fast, unopinionated, (very) minimalist web framework for Arduino ESP32

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 92.0%Language:C 8.0%