laserkelvin / Astrochymist

A python script that will parse Astrochymist

Repository from Github https://github.comlaserkelvin/AstrochymistRepository from Github https://github.comlaserkelvin/Astrochymist

Astrochymist Parsing

This is a script to pull information from the Astrochymist, a valuable source of discoveries of molecules in space.

You can install the requirements needed by the script by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The script is written in Python 3, parsing with BeautifulSoup and outputting with Pandas. The script can be called simply by running:


or alternatively, by importing it as a function (if you are using Jupyter notebooks).

The enclosed Jupyter notebook is an example.

The current version does not separate the chemical formulas from the names. This is mainly due to the HTML, although in theory it could be done perhaps with some regex.


A python script that will parse Astrochymist


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.9%Language:Python 0.1%