larsthorup / k8sbook-sandbox

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Local cluster on Windows

Cluster managed by DigitalOcean

* create cluster at
* record ip # 
* download cluster config file
* set `KUBECONFIG` to `<config-path-1>;<config-path-2>;...`
* TODO: https

Getting started

kubectl config view    
kubectl config use-context minikube         # Specify which cluster to use
kubectl apply -f hello.deploy.yml           # Deploy application
kubectl apply -f hello.svc.yml              # Deploy service
kubectl rollout status deploy hello-deploy  # Wait for rollout
open           # Access application through service
kubectl delete -f hello.svc.yml             # Clean-up
kubectl delete -f hello.pod.yml
kubectl delete pod,svc -l release=hello             


kubectl config view
kubectl config current-context
kubectl config use-context minikube


kubectl get nodes


kubectl apply -f hello.pod.yml
kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pod/hello-pod
kubectl delete -f hello.pod.yml

kubectl get pods --watch
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl get pods -o yaml
kubectl get pods -o json
kubectl describe pod/hello-pod
kubectl logs pod/hello-pod
kubectl logs pod/hello-pod -c hello-ctr
kubectl exec pod/hello-pod ps aux
kubectl exec -it pod/hello-pod sh       # in cmd.exe


kubectl apply -f hello.deploy.yml
kubectl apply -f hello-edge.deploy.yml --record

kubectl get deploy hello-deploy
kubectl describe deploy hello-deploy
kubectl get rs --selector=app=hello-world
kubectl describe rs --selector=app=hello-world
kubectl rollout status deployment hello-deploy

kubectl rollout history deployment hello-deploy
kubectl rollout undo deployment hello-deploy --to-revision=1


kubectl apply -f hello.svc.yml
kubectl get service hello-svc
kubectl get svc hello-svc -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
kubectl describe service hello-svc


cd helm
helm create dummy

cd helm
helm install hello ./hello
helm status hello
helm uninstall hello
helm install hello ./hello --wait --debug
