larshesel / ws_proxy

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WsProxy is a simple Websocket Proxy that intercepts Websocket text frames. For every intercepted websocket frame a webhook can be called. The HTTP response status of the webhook determines whether the proxy forwards the frame or closes the socket.

The typical deployment scenario of WsProxy is behind a Web Application Firewall (WAF) which (today solutions) usually lacks Websocket scanning capabilities (inbound & outbound). The WsProxy could use the webhooks to send the websocket frame payloads as a standard HTTP request to a designated WAF endpoint for content inspection.

Note: Obviously this has an impact on the WebSocket end to end latencies.


For the moment the proxy configuration is done via HTTP headers that are injected by a proxy or WAf when accepting a Websocket connection. For this reason you shoud never expose WsProxy directly to your Websocket clients and always place it behind a proxy or WAF to be in control of the x-wsproxy-* headers.

Mandatory headers:

  • x-wsproxy-upstream: a Websocket endpoint (path and querystring are ignored)

Optional Headers (Webhook):

  • x-wsproxy-inboundhook: a HTTP url used for the webhook for every inbound Websocket frame
  • x-wsproxy-inboundhook-method: the HTTP method used for the webhook request, defaults to 'POST'
  • x-wsproxy-inboundhook-headers: additional HTTP headers used for the webhook requests, format is header1=val1,header2=val2
  • x-wsproxy-outboundhook: a HTTP url used for the webhook for every outbound Websocket frame
  • x-wsproxy-outboundhook-method: the HTTP method used for the webhook request, defaults to 'POST'
  • x-wsproxy-outboundhook-headers: additional HTTP headers used for the webhook requests, format is header1=val1,header2=val2

Optional Headers (Socket):

  • x-wsproxy-compress: compress Websocket frames, defaults to 'false'
  • x-wsproxy-idletimeout: timeout in milliseconds after an idling socket gets closed, defaults to '60000'
  • x-wsproxy-maxframesize: the max size of a websocket frame in bytes, defaults to '2048'
  • x-wsproxy-validateutf8: validates utf8 encoding of the frame payload, defaults to 'false'

Other Configuration, in environment variables:

  • WSPROXY_PORT: the listener port for the websocket proxy, defaults to '4000'
  • WSPROXY_WEBHOOK_POOL_SIZE: the webhook request pool size, defaults to '100'



Language:Elixir 100.0%