larshesel / vmq_webhooks

VerneMQ Webhooks - Implement VerneMQ plugins as http endpoints

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VerneMQ Webhooks

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VerneMQ Webhooks enables you to develop VerneMQ plugins in your favorite programming language. Java, Python, NodeJS, Go, or whatever you current weapon of choice is doesn't matter. All you need to do is to implement our web-hook interface and off you go!

When to use VerneMQ Webhooks

Webhooks has the advantage that you can implement the webhooks in any language you can use to implement an http interface.

Of course this advantage comes with some trade-offs that one should be aware of.

Firstly, it should be clear that webhooks are not as efficient a way to implement plugins as pure erlang plugins.

Secondly, if the webhook endpoints are not available due to network issues or similar, clients won't be able to connect, publish or subscribe and the effects of notification webhooks like on_register, on_subscribe, etc will be lost.

Also, please note that currently, the hooks are invoked with no form of transport security. Plain HTTP, no authentication, no TLS. A solution for this is to set up encrypted tunnels through which the VerneMQ Webhooks plugin can reach the endpoints.

For the above reasons, we recommend that in your production environment you deploy your endpoints on the same machines where you are deploying VerneMQ and configure the endpoints to be reached via localhost.


Building the plugin:

$ ./rebar3 compile

Enabling the plugin:

$ vmq-admin plugin enable --name=vmq_webhooks --path=/Abs/Path/To/vmq_webhooks/_build/default/

Registering a hook with an endpoint:

$ vmq-admin webhooks register hook=auth_on_register endpoint="http://localhost"

Deregistering an endpoint:

$ vmq-admin webhooks deregister hook=auth_on_register endpoint="http://localhost"


All webhooks are called with method POST. All hooks need to be answered with the HTTP code 200 to be considered successful. Any hook called that does not return the 200 code will be logged as an error as will any hook with an unparseable payload.

All hooks are called with the header vernemq-hook which contains the name of the hook in question.

For detailed information about the hooks and when they are called, see the Plugin Development Guide and the relevant subsections.


Header: vernemq-hook: auth_on_register

Webhook example payload:

    "peer_addr": "",
    "peer_port": 8888,
    "subscriber_id": "subscriberid",
    "username": "username",
    "password": "password",
    "mountpoint": "",
    "clean_session": false

Example response:

    "result": "ok",
    "modifiers": {
        "mountpoint": "newmountpoint"
        "subscriber_id": "subscriber_id",
        "reg_view": "reg_view",
        "clean_session": false,
        "max_message_size": 65535,
        "max_message_rate": 10000,
        "max_inflight_messages": 100,
        "retry_interval": 100,
        "upgrade_qos": false,
        "trade_consistency": false

Other result values:

"result": "next"
"result": { "error": "some error message" }


Header: vernemq-hook: auth_on_subscribe

Webhook example payload:

    "subscriber_id": "subscriberid",
    "mountpoint": "",
    "username": "username",
        [{"topic": "a/b",
          "qos": 1},
         {"topic": "c/d",
          "qos": 2}]

Example response:

    "result": "ok",
        [{"topic": "rewritten/topic",
          "qos": 0}]

Other result values:

"result": "next"
"result": { "error": "some error message" }


Header: vernemq-hook: auth_on_publish

Webhook example payload:

    "username": "username",
    "subscriber_id": "subscriberid",
    "mountpoint": "",
    "qos": 1,
    "topic": "a/b",
    "payload": "hello",
    "retain": false

Example response:

    "result": "ok",
    "modifiers": {
        "topic": "rewritten/topic",
        "qos": 2,
        "payload": "rewritten payload",
        "retain": true,
        "reg_view": "reg_view",
        "mountpoint": "newmountpoint"

Other result values:

"result": "next"
"result": { "error": "some error message" }


Header: vernemq-hook: on_register

Webhook example payload:

    "peer_addr": "",
    "peer_port": 8888,
    "username": "username",
    "mountpoint": "",
    "subscriber_id": "subscriberid"

The response of this hook should be empty as it is ignored.


Header: vernemq-hook: on_publish

Webhook example payload:

    "username": "username",
    "subscriber_id": "subscriberid",
    "mountpoint": "",
    "qos": 1,
    "topic": "a/b",
    "payload": "hello",
    "retain": false

The response of this hook should be empty as it is ignored.


Header: vernemq-hook: on_subscribe

Webhook example payload:

    "subscriber_id": "subscriberid",
    "mountpoint": "",
    "username": "username",
        [{"topic": "a/b",
          "qos": 1},
         {"topic": "c/d",
          "qos": 2}]

The response of this hook should be empty as it is ignored.


Header: vernemq-hook: on_unsubscribe

Webhook example payload:

    "username": "username",
    "subscriber_id": "subscriberid",
    "mountpoint": "",
        ["a/b", "c/d"]

Example response:

    "result": "ok",

Other result values:

"result": "next"
"result": { "error": "some error message" }


Header: vernemq-hook: on_deliver

Webhook example payload:

    "username": "username",
    "subscriber_id": "subscriberid",
    "mountpoint": "",
    "topic": "a/b",
    "payload": "hello"

Example response:

    "result": "ok",
    "modifiers": {
        "topic": "rewritten/topic",
        "payload": "rewritten payload"

Other result values:

"result": "next"


Header: vernemq-hook: on_offline_message

Webhook example payload:

    "subscriber_id": "subscriberid",
    "mountpoint": ""

The response of this hook should be empty as it is ignored.


Header: vernemq-hook: on_client_wakeup

Webhook example payload:

    "subscriber_id": "subscriberid",
    "mountpoint": ""

The response of this hook should be empty as it is ignored.


Header: vernemq-hook: on_client_offline

Webhook example payload:

    "subscriber_id": "subscriberid",
    "mountpoint": ""

The response of this hook should be empty as it is ignored.


Header: vernemq-hook: on_client_gone

Webhook example payload:

    "subscriber_id": "subscriberid",
    "mountpoint": ""

The response of this hook should be empty as it is ignored.


VerneMQ Webhooks - Implement VerneMQ plugins as http endpoints

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Erlang 100.0%