lanslord11 / LocationValidator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Location Validator

calculates if the current location is inside any of the Location+Radius defined so far. If yes it will alert True otherwise it will alert False.


Clone project

  git clone ""

Navigate into backend folder and install dependencies

  cd ./backend
  npm install

add environment variables in backend/config/config.env

 PORT = 4000
 DB_URI = 

NOTE:If you want to change the port number change it in the data-services file of the frontend too.

start the server by running following command inside the backend folder

  npm start

Navigate into frontend which is present in the LocationValidator folder. Install dependencies there using

  cd ../LocationValidator
  npm install
  ng serve --open

  • Asks you for latitudes and longitudes of a location .
  • Add a radius for that location .
  • submit to send the data to remote mongoDB server.
  • Table displays the data fetched from mongoDB .
  • Click validate and grant location access to check if your current location is inside any of the locations you entered.


  • App is currently not responsive
  • All the errors are not handled in the backend
  • Front End design could have been improved
  • Proper Transitions could have been added.
  • Instead of alerting a Toast could have been used for better viewing experience.

Dependencies used backend

  • body-parser : for parsing body of http request
  • cors: to support cross-origin requests and data transfers
  • dotenv : creating environment variables
  • express : backend as asked
  • mongoose : storing data in cloud mongoDB server as asked
  • nodemon: for development

No extra dependency used in the front end expect the default angular dependencies.


App Screenshot



Language:HTML 52.5%Language:TypeScript 23.6%Language:JavaScript 17.9%Language:CSS 6.0%