lanpai / dotfiles

dotfiles for bspwm rice

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custom dotfiles for arch rice

πŸ’½ Programs

πŸ“· Visual

Name Description
bspwm tiling window manager that represents windows as the leaves of a full binary tree
Polybar fast and easy-to-use tool for creating status bars
Compton standalone compositor for Xorg
dunst lightweight replacement for the notification-daemons provided by most desktop environments
pywal generate and change color-schemes on the fly
McMojave macOS Mojave like theme which supports GTK 3 and GTK 2 based desktop environments
feh lightweight and powerful image viewer that can also be used to manage the desktop wallpaper for standalone window managers lacking such features

πŸ’» General Tools

Name Description
ranger text-based file manager written in Python
vim extended version of vi with additional features
zsh powerful shell that operates as both an interactive shell and as a scripting language interpreter
Transmission light-weight and cross-platform BitTorrent client
ImageMagick free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files

πŸ“Ž Misc

Name Description
neofetch CLI system information tool written in BASH that supports displaying images
sxhkd simple X hotkey daemon, by the developer of bspwm, that reacts to input events by executing commands
scrot simple command-line screenshot utility for X
PulseAudio general purpose sound server intended to run as a middleware between your applications and your hardware devices

πŸ“„ Usage

Alt + Left Click (drag) moves window

Alt + Right Click (drag) resizes window

wallpaperchange (path) changes wallpaper to the path, runs pywal, and restarts necessary programs

wallpaperopen runs wallpaperchange on the previously used wallpaper; persistent through restart

PrintScr uploads screenshot and copies into xclipboard

Shift + PrintScr uploads screenshot, uploads to, and places url in clipboard if successful

Alt [ + Shift] + Enter opens URxvt (shift modifier opens a floating terminal)

Alt + D runs customized dmenu_run

Alt + Shift + R reloads sxhkd

Alt + Super + Q closes bspwm

Alt [ + Shift] + Q closes focused window (shift modifier kills window)

Alt + Shift + Space toggles focused window between floating and tiled

Alt + T changes focused window to tiled

Alt + Shift + T changes focused window to pseudo tiled

Alt + S changes focused window to floating

Alt + F changes focused window to fullscreen

Alt + Shift + (Left,Down,Up,Right) swaps focused window to direction

Alt + (Left,Down,Up,Right) swaps focus to window in direction

Alt + Shift + (1-9,0) moves window to selected workspace

Alt + (1-9,0) swaps to selected workspace

Alt + Ctrl + (Left,Down,Up,Right) resizes focused window


dotfiles for bspwm rice


Language:Shell 92.1%Language:Vim Script 7.9%