langheran / minimal-vscode-cmake

Minimal CMakeLists C++ VSCode - MSVC+Ninja

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Minimal CMakeLists C++ VSCode - MSVC+Ninja


Table of contents

Steps to reproduce minimal functionality

  1. Install ms-vscode.cpptools extension.
  2. Install vector-of-bool.cmake-tools extension.
  3. Ctrl+Shift+P CMake: Select Kit -> VisualStudio.14.0 - amd64 (Ninja is set on workspace settings).
  4. Ctrl+Shift+P CMake: Set current build variant -> Debug.
  5. Ctrl+Shift+P CMake: Delete cached build settings and reconfigure.
  6. Ctrl+Shift+P CMake: Clean rebuild.
  7. F5 to Debug the first task on launch.json, build on tasks.json must also be executed.

Steps to install MSVC

  1. Install Windows SDK. Required for Ninja.
  2. Install Build Tools for Visual Studio. For vc140 (2015) install Visual C++ Build Tools or from here.
  3. Install Ninja choco install ninja.
  4. Add windows environment PATH references.

Some hard-earned tips

  1. MSVC is the best generator for CUDA. Others like gcc and clang are not fully supported.
  2. /FS flag is required when building using Ninja generator and MSVC to avoid concurrent pdb.
  3. This is the solution that requires less disk memory of all. Installing VS2017 requires at least 20GB.
  4. vcvarsall.bat x64 needs to be run before running cmake --build or cl.exe.
  5. Remove all unnecessary plugins from vscode, they might interfere to setting the build variant on the CMake vector-of-bool.cmake-tools extension.
  6. If you require to install an external library use ninja install to install it after building it in the same folder. Then use find_package(library REQUIRED) in CMakeLists.txt before TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${target_name} namepace::library).

C++ Boost naming convention


#include <boost/headers/go/first>
#include <boost/in_alphabetical/order>
#include <then_standard_headers>
#include <in_alphabetical_order>

#include "then/any/detail/headers"
#include "in/alphabetical/order"
#include "then/any/remaining/headers/in"
// (you'll never guess)
#include "alphabetical/order/duh"


namespace lowercase_identifers
    class separated_by_underscores
        void because_underscores_are() const
            volatile int mostLikeSpaces = 0; // but local names are condensed

            while (!mostLikeSpaces)
                single_statements(); // don't need braces
            for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
        const complex_type& value() const
            return mValue; // no conflict with value here
        void value(const complex_type& pValue)
            mValue = pValue ; // or here
        // the more public it is, the more important it is,
        // so order: public on top, then protected then private
        template <typename Template, typename Parameters>
        void are_upper_camel_case()
            // gman was here                
        complex_type mValue;


Taken from Stack Overflow, recommended by Bjarne Stroustrup creator of in the book The C++ Programming Language.

Usefull VSCode Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Shrink/Expand select Shift+Alt+RightArrow selects between brackets.
  2. Fold/Unfold Control+K,Control+0 Control+Shift+' Control+Shift+¿ expands or collapse region.
  3. Goto Definition F12 Control+Click goes to the definition.
  4. Format Document Shift+Alt+f formats the document.
  5. Switch Header/Source Alt+O switchs between <header>.h and <source>.cpp files.
  6. Back Alt+LeftArrow back position.
  7. Control+Shift+M Open problems.
  8. Control+Shift+D Open debug.
  9. Control+� Open terminal.
  10. Control+K,Control+S opens keyboard shortcuts.
  11. Control+K,Control+R Opens Keyboard Reference

Personal Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Control+Windows+Alt+K view bookmarks explorer.
  2. Control+Alt+K toggle bookmark.
  3. Control+Alt+(J|L) previous/next bookmark.

Usual errors

  1. unresolved externals signature between header and source files does not match or extern variable in the header file no set in the source file.

Useful questions

  1. Why there is not a single vscode extension to save or group breakpoints?


Minimal CMakeLists C++ VSCode - MSVC+Ninja


Language:C++ 43.6%Language:CMake 34.6%Language:Batchfile 21.8%