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πŸ‘‹ Hi there, my name is Adriano

I've had the privilege of journeying through the world of technology and software development for more than a decade. Here's a glimpse into my tech-focused profile:

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» A Decade of Learning: I've been fortunate to spend almost 10 years in the world of software development, and I'm still learning every day. This journey has been a humbling experience filled with valuable insights.

πŸš€ Tech Enthusiast: My fascination with technology knows no bounds. I'm genuinely passionate about leveraging the power of technology to create meaningful solutions.

🌟 Main Technologies: My heart lies with three core technologies: Laravel, Vue.js, and TailwindCSS. These are the tools I've come to appreciate and enjoy working with.

πŸ’» Web Development Versatility: My journey has exposed me to various facets of web development. From Docker and Linux to Git, and from coding in PHP , HTML5 , CSS3, JavaScript , MySQL, jQuery, Bootstrap and Flutter. I've dabbled in it all.

πŸ‘₯ Team Player: Collaboration has been a cornerstone of my career. I've had the privilege of working in teams, tackling complex challenges with a group of talented individuals.

🌐 Continual Learning: In the ever-evolving tech landscape, I'm committed to staying humble and learning. I strive to stay updated with the latest trends and practices.

πŸš€ Tech as a Force for Good: I believe that technology has the potential to bring about positive change. If you share this belief or would like to explore tech-related discussions, feel free to connect.

πŸ“¬ Let's Connect: I'm always open to connecting with fellow tech enthusiasts, learning from your experiences, and discovering new ways to make a positive impact through technology.

Looking forward to connecting and sharing insights with the tech community. Let's continue learning and growing together in the ever-exciting tech world! 🌐

πŸ“« How to reach me:

Gmail LinkedIn Whatsapp
